Apr 30, 2016 22:02
It’s been a strange sort of month. It is so wonderful to be in the season of mild coolish weather where there’s no need to worry about not wearing synthetic stuff because it gets all hot and horrid.
It’s getting harder to find cotton that doesn’t look like a shapeless rag and nearly everything is polyester these days.
This evening was to be spent lurking around the grounds of a rather neglected historical cemetery in the city. The place is surrounded by a big fence and is managed by the National Trust which normally opens it to the public for only 2 hours on a Sunday.
It was open this evening for a concert in the church. It was a ticketed event and I did not have one but I figured it was worth taking a chance at showing up in the hope that they would be checking at the church door rather than at the cemetery gates.
Slinking about a cemetery around sunset seemed a most auspicious way to end the last day of the month.
It turned out that the tickets were being checked at the main gate after all and that lurking was limited only to paid up concert goers named on their list. All due to the insistence of the evil insurance goblins of course.
So in the end I had to make do with sitting on the other side of the fence while watching the last rays of the sun.
Of course it would have been so much nicer watching the dying light of the day while sitting near the old church. I had even brought along an old book especially for the occasion. I cannot remember where I picked up “Lazarus” by Morris West only that he was the original and the best at writing about Vatican intrigue and conspiracy. But it was Dan Brown who worked out how to turn the antics of this organisation of outdated old codgers into sexy sizzling best sellers.
They are a bit like fast food. Fun and tasty at the time but you then feel sluggish and tired afterwards and hungry for some real food.
Sometimes what’s old is new again. A story about a right wing rigid Pope about to undergo major heart surgery and worried about his legacy while a bunch of Islamic extremists lurk scheming on the sidelines sounds like the sort of thing that would be on the latest list of political thrillers. But it is from 1990 which is rather last century.
Books are for out and about or while waiting at bus stops. The rest of the evening will be devoted to tying up a whole bunch of loose ends, finishing Camp Nano with a pretty word count, catching up on some online courses as well as sitting out in the garden enjoying the intoxicating fragrance of 15 angel’s trumpet flowers.