Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Mar 06, 2016 23:33

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

After one week of following Cardinal Pell's Pity Party, I did not think such a sniveling self righteous and buck passing heartless performance could be trumped. He's so completely clueless and out of touch with reality that he thought pleading a heart condition to avoid appearing live at the Royal Commission would get him off the hook. But then the victims of his incompetence or willful ignorance came to visit him in spite of their infinitely worse health problems.

Then along came Super Tuesday and even down here in distant Oz, we were subjected to the endless rantings and ravings of yet another puffed up pompous git.

Donald Trump is no joke. He's not some idiot clown but a sick and twisted megamaniacal egotistical evil goblin. He's also a heartless winker.

image Click to view

Not content with trashing the landscape, digging up trees, destroying water supplies so some locals are left for weeks without running water, The Trump even does dirty deals with the local councils so that he can compulsorily acquire the properties of pesky locals because he doesn't like them or how they ruin his views.

David and Goliath

What is even more frightening are his armies of minions who troll the youtube channels justifying every act of depravity in the name of FREEDOM and LIBERTY and sticking 2 fingers up to the so called establishment. If they can believe that such a one percenter wanker is not part of the establishment then they can believe anything.

It is so scary that Trump's delusions of grandeur are so close to becoming reality.

John Oliver was spot on when he says to mark the date of Friday 20th January 2017 in our calendars because that is the day in the future that all the geeks with time machines will want to go back to in order to fix up the coming chaos when the bull in the china shop swears the oath of allegiance.

The planet is just not big enough for North Korea's creepy Kim and Donald Trump to strut together at the top of the world stage. One of them will surely press the red button.

It's Dead Zone deja vu all over again.

trump, goblins, pell, aberdeen

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