A Perplexed Python

Oct 10, 2014 23:15

I was supposed to be posting snippets about the crazy adventures over in Coursera. But Petunia had other plans. She who must be obeyed invited her daughter over for dinner.

So this serpent spent the evening pigging out on potatoes and other munchies and being drunk and disorderly instead of slaving over a hot keyboard attempting yet another weekly assignment. Had a few inspired ideas at the day job and wanted to test them out this evening.

Had the best of intentions and brought along the tablet only to discover that the delete button was acting all cranky when attempting to edit or amend Codeskulptor pages but it works perfectly fine when typing posts or comments. Here's hoping the portable keyboard is better behaved.

But there must be some signs of progress on the horizon. In spite of losing two evenings of online lurking, it seems likely that this week's project will be finished on time and on schedule without resorting to burning the midnight oil.
Here's hoping that trend will continue. November is coming and there will be even more distractions other than family to contend with.

It's time to hit the sack and dream of mad hatters and rabbits with wonky stop watches.
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