Such are the joys of getting old. Aside from young things offering the seniors discount, you know you are getting a bit long in the tooth if you are one of those folks who can remember the ascension to power of a certain person who came to be known as The Iron Lady
Had so so forgotten about her fondness for quoting a certain Francis of Assisi. Here’s hoping that the present incumbent at the Vatican does not follow her example.
Spent most of her reign living right next door in Ireland so it was rather hard to escape the trajectory of that swinging handbag and the icy cold stare. We watched the goggle box transfixed for week after week during the Wapping dramas, the coal miners’ strike, the IRA hunger strikes and later assassination attempt, the Falklands war and the crowning glory of all - the privatization of just about everything and the dawn of the new age of Goblin Bankers who under her reign began their ascent to their role as Masters of the Universe
Got to thinking that while the present opposition leader in Oz describes himself as the political love child of John Howard and Bronwyn Bishop, John Howard in turn could be described as the ideological love child of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. And like her he kept the top job for some eleven years. But at least she was more entertaining. Love her or loathe her, one could never accuse her of being spineless, wimpish or boring
Many younger people spent their formative teenage years knowing nothing else but this Priestess of the Ayn Rand cult
While loathing and despising her political incarnation, used to relish the weekly fix of the satirical puppet show
“Spitting Image” where she was the number one centre stage celebrity. Even managed to snaffle a pair of Ronnie and Maggie squeaky toys for the Dursley’s dogs to play with
It is so scary to think that all of that was now around 30 years ago. Ancient history by the standards of today’s fast moving world. Now that she is dead and gone it seems she is destined to join the pantheon of political angels. Maybe it is because the goblins now hold such dominion in spite of the last five years of trashing the planet as well as the world’s economic system. The Soviet Union seems like a quaint relic from the dinosaur days and the victors write the history books. And then of course time tames all passions. What seems important at the present looks rather different some twenty years on and with the benefit of hindsight
The most amusing thing of all is to discover that she may have been a closet greenie. Certainly a lot less coal got burned when she was in power. The joke was at the time that if she died she would never be let in hell as there’d be no one left to stoke the fires of hell as they’d all be gone off on strike
And anyway it would be such a waste of pure talent. Dearest Maggie could do far more for the world rising up on the third day and doing her bit for the Zombie Apocalypse and the serpent nanowrimo word count
Nearly ten days into April and only once have the muses deemed this serpent worthy of a visit. Guessing that the dozen Dementors who have taken residence are scaring them all off.
Even the odd visit or two to places that usually prove inspirational is not delivering the goodies. Guess that is what we get for daring to deviate from the tried and true path of plotting and planning.
But then again, today has been the first day of unleashing the Box of Zombies.
There’s a really cute one riding a wave and wearing bright yellow budgie smugglers while using his spare hand to munch a tasty morsel of brains. The muses are whispering about the adventures of Grandma Marge and her little love grandchild Tony and their war against the wicked Red Headed Witch who wants to steal Grannie’s hand bag and take all her pension