Just a quick squiggle. Izzie is such a masochistic serpent. Camp Nanowrimo was not even over when Izzie went and signed up for a bunch of courses at a certain
Magical AcademyThe first of these started in the last week of August. It's turned out to be 'insanely challenging' (to quote a certain Cat) not helped by having a seriously snailish ISP.
So the time that is usually devoted to squiggling and surfing about aimlessly in Cyberia is now spent watching video lectures, trying to decipher seemingly incomprehensible course materials and similar sorts of stuff
Now another course has started. Decided that it might be a good idea to not over indulge in too many tasty fruits from the tree of knowledge.
Just as well there does not seem to be too much maths yet in
Introduction to Mathematical Thinking as the Crypto course is simply dripping in the stuff. With 20/20 hindsight it would have made more sense to do that one later. Did not know at first that the courses would be offered more than once. Still trying to work out how this business model actually makes money. Maybe it is just free in the beta testing stage
Got the weekend off for the annual street fiesta in South Fremantle. It will be a feast of weird greenies and other eccentric creatures with lots of open gardens, street stalls and demonstrations about how to make all sorts of stuff. Ginger beer will probably feature on the list of attractions yet again.
Already been planting lots of heirloom tomato seeds. Here's hoping they don't drown or die of thirst. Such sensitive little things they are at the start of their lives
Been so much gossip at Toad Hall but so little time to catch up on squiggling. No Howlers for four weeks is a bit of record for the toxic toad. Maybe she is writing one right now and sending her minions down to the post office with it
Or maybe she's been having so much fun as a guest at "Let them eat caviar" Mitt Romney's little dinner parties that she hasn't had time to be hassling her house elves
Hard to believe that it is just over four years since the goblin House of Cards came tumbling down with Lehman brothers and the rest of them.
It's going to be a fun few months seeing who else remembers and seeing the revenge of the 47%
Will be fun snooping for the feast of cartoons.