Izzie's been so so slack on the squiggling front. So much drama going on in the day job. The place has been well and truly infiltrated by brainless corporate zombies. But that's a long long post and hopefully will get back to it by the end of the week.
Bugger all happening here. Did have the first stinker day of summer on Sunday. It was hot and sticky with UV levels worthy of a microwave.
Still searching for the perfect nanowrimo cafe since our two favorites both closed last year. So far Secret Garden and the Old Bakery are top of the list.
Been avoiding the local shopping centre like the plague but sometimes a visit is simply unavoidable. Was plenty of surprises there indeed. There's a new Jamaica Blue cafe alongside the overpriced rubbish Theobroma chocolate 'lounge' so will have to check that place out. Here's hoping it is half decent and does not have nanny state opening hours.
Theobroma is just like the day job. All spin and no substance. Overpriced hot chocolate, crappy coffee and plastic looking chocolates. It looks very posh and pretty and stays open late but we would rather just go buy a few bars of Green and Blacks 85% dark chocolate and Bannister Downs cream and make the stuff back in the Lair. It would be much cheaper and infinitely better quality.
Gelare is also there but it does not have toilets, jugs of water or newspapers so is no use for anything except Happy Hour waffles on Tuesdays. And as for Gloria Jeans, it is not even worthy of being called a cafe. Having being informed by reliable sources that it is owned by a bunch of happy clappers is yet another reason not to darken its infernal doors.
The new IGA will be opening next Thursday which is much earlier then we ever imagined. Those creeps in Coles are panicking and attempting an extreme makeover.
Will be so so happy to finally have a proper supermarket nearby selling local stuff. Will only need to darken the nasty doors of Coles to stock up on their own brand pesto which is simply the tastiest mainstream version for serpents to lazy to make their own.
Reminds the Izzie that it's time to get lots of basil seeds planted.
On the garden front, the tomato seeds planted two weeks ago are now popping up their first leaves. The pumpkin and zucchini seeds are also growing quite happily. Planted some Diggers giant pumpkin seeds and Dutch crookneck pumpkin seeds in an old rusty wheelbarrow today. Rescued it last year from vergemart (the council kerbside pick up)
Apparently some garden centres are now stocking Diggers tomato seedlings. Petunia bought some and says that they are obviously much better quality than the other tomato seedlings she bought from the same place.
Finally joined the state permaculture organization at last month's street festival so hoping to meet and mingle real green fingered folks. Must make an effort to attend next week's AGM
Was listening to a new version of MacBeth on
Radio National. Those wicked witches were just wonderful. Really must get around to seeing a live performance of it one day. Mean buggers play each instalment on Sundays at 3pm just as Izzie starts work and the repeat is on at 7pm on Thursdays. Will miss the second instalment this week due to other commitments and they do not have it available as a podcast but just listen only. Guessing it must be for copyright reasons. The poor buggers need some way of earning money for their efforts.
It's much more fun than Hamlet and has all the ingredients that the Izzie loves in a spooky story.
As our favorite witch would say "There is no good or evil. There is only power and those too weak to seek it"
The corporate zombies believe it too and are driving the house elves crazy with their petty penny pinching and latest bullying antics all accompanied by an overdose of spin.
But that is a tale for another day. Suffice to say that the stuff that makes fiction interesting makes for misery when it happens in real life.