One last plug: Stitched Ophelia, formerly located
here, has been moved to a swankier location at
this point with much love and gratitude to
It will have an RSS feed soon, along with all the rest of the writing junk I will be churning out in the small pockets of air I've been given to breathe in between all the work for school.
This entry was long enough to merit LiveJournal cuts! o_o
Things have been zany ever since I was hit with the shower stall realization/desire to put my life in order. I listed down all the things that need to be done for school, all the errands that must be run over the next few weeks, a wish list of all the things I will be spending gratitious amounts of money for (and the self-same things that I wish people would spend gratitious amounts of money on to buy them for me), and I've popped a new studying regime. I got two things out of it:
A.) An odd sense of control coupled with a funny spinning around that might be its opposite.
B.) The further development of college sleeping habits.
So yeah. There we have it.
On recent T.A.B.L.E. news,
hel_interrupted has found herself a kitten courtesy of
yukitsu; it's an adorably scruffy little thing with white and orange fur and eyes like headlights, and has been unceremoniously dubbed Lex Luthor by his half-cooing, half-demanding mistress. Also, another Fangirl Night was hosted at my house over the weekend. Participants were
miyachan and
crazy_sparrow, though all the rest of you girls over at
the house might as well have been with us in spirit. We've realized the need for short reposes like this: it allows us women to speak freely. Generous and liberal-minded as our beloved boys at the T.A.B.L.E. are, some Girl Talk is just meant for the ears of girls alone.
Journeyed out to the office at Centro Plaza after dropping
miyachan and sister, where
hel_interupptedswung Lex-The-Palpatine-Cat-In-The-Blankie as
khursten and I arranged for the rental of Centro Plaza's basement for the
phigenshiken meet and film showing that's happening on September 3. Older brother was kind enough to show off the corporate penthouse, where the next Con of Lights Out might take place. Pure swankiness.
Next stop was Market Market!, where we parted ways with
hel_interuppted (and Lex) and hopped around the gaming and hardware kiosks. Bought a new PS2 adapter, analog controller and VS cable on Father's request, along with a copy of Full Metal Alchemist 2 for myself. Spent gratitious amounts on ramen and popcorn to
khursten's amusement down at the godly supermarket in the mall. Note to self: Drag Mom to the Japan Merchandise Center Thingie, Where Everything costs P88.
Swung over to Rockwell, where we got lost at the newly relocated Fully Booked outlet near the cinema. Drooled over all the graphic novels we could not buy (note to self: Buy the SJ English version of Bleach), cried a bit over the 506-page whopper I now have to read for Chinese Literature and left for the Podium, where we hooked up with Leng and
khursten had to leave soon after, so the three of us went skipping about, trying to find stuff for Leng's SD.
Night ended pleasantly with a dinner at the Teriyaki Boy branch in Eastwood with
magnetic_rose and
sortinghatlover, who I really haven't seen in a long time. Pure happiness in service tea, miso soup and teriyaki chicken, I say. Now I'm pleasantly dizzy from the lack of sleep due to Fangirl Night and looking forward to smooth sailing on Sunday.
There may not be school on Monday for us blue eagles. Oh joy.