I have this icon because of Yukeh.

Jun 14, 2011 20:24

Registration, by the way, was incredibly tedious. I won't say 'hell' because that would be exaggerating the entire exercise, but let's just say I left school that afternoon murderous. Interestingly enough, this is the first time I finished registering in one day since I started my master's degree. That's got to count for something, right?

Last weekend of 'freedom' was spent with friends on Saturday, and family on Sunday. Went to my older brother's new place: it's a townhouse that's a stone's throw away from Holy Spirit. It was abymssally hot and I was terribly sleepy, but few things beat the joy of chilling out with your parents, your brothers and your sisters-in-law with the kids running around, eating Ferrero Rocher and talking about nothing at all.

My cat's been my only real company at home during the day, and my younger brother swings by in the evening to do work. His laptop finally gave out on him, so he doesn't have much of a choice. Been falling asleep to the sound of him working these past few days. Going abroad appears to have fixed my sleeping schedule: I don't stay up at ungodly hours, and I tend to wake up with the dawn.

Just had my first of two classes - no formal lecture, of course, just some questions and a bit of small talk. Spent more of my time catching up with a colleague, who gave me some interesting news. I've missed her a lot, I realize, but I haven't been very good with people these days. She hasn't been either, though, and we said as much to each other. There's some camaraderie to be found in being disconnected, then connecting with people who decided to disconnect the way you did for a while.

Won't be on campus again until Saturday, if I have any say in it. Home's just too comfortable these days.

Been wrestling with a general feeling of uselessness. Sure, I'm free and yes, it's wonderful, but I don't have a job, and after three years of earning it's kind of hard to fall back on that. My friends all appear to be moving ahead too, which doesn't really help.

Such as it is. I'll get on my feet again eventually. In the meantime, I ought to enjoy my break because I doubt that I'll get another one after this is finished.

I'd normally let an issue like this resolve itself and not chip in my two cents unless prompted to, but this debate on the RH Bill is becoming ridiculous. The Ruling Powers down hear (read: the Philippine Catholic Church) have it in their heads that they're waging a war against heathen, and the flock MUST obey them if they are to save their souls.

We were made to pray "for the sanctity of the Church" and "the well-being of all families" against the RH bill during last Sunday's service. Suffice to say, I did not kneel, and I did not pray at all. I believe I was the only one.

Perhaps I will stand next time. I can't walk out - it'll break my parents' hearts, and they are the only reason why I continue to suffer through Mass - but I can resist in my own way.

For any of you bishops in the audience, this is how I live my faith. Fucking deal with it. And no, you can't excommunicate me. I'd sure as hell like to see you try.

For the interested: I chronicled my entire trip abroad. I've listed down the entries here in chronological order:

Vancouver, May 5
Vancouver, May 6
Vancouver, May 7
Vancouver, May 8
Vancouver, May 9-10
Toronto, May 11-13
Toronto and New York, May 14-19
New York and Washington D.C., May 20-22
Washington D.C., May 23-26
Washington D.C./New York again/Toronto again, May 26-31
Vancouver again and coming home, June 1-5

No pictures yet. I'll have to sit down a while and sift through them before I show anything off.

Now, for the mandatory fic dump.

► DEVIL SUMMONER. // From blossom to dusty blossom.
► SUIKODEN TIERKREIS. // Everybody knows I hate you except you.
► SUIKODEN TIEKRKREIS. // Tireless hunger in your eyes.
► METAL GEAR SOLID 4. // Take care of all our dreams.
► GINTAMA. // We outgrow love like other things.
► FULL METAL ALCHEMIST. // Don't trust a statistic you didn't fake yourself.

Got a lot of backlog, but my activities on LJ and my own need to catch up with downloads keeps me from posting them up in a timely fashion, or working on others.

family, demon days, going inquisitor, fanfiction, this is love, on vacation, rantage, jesus etc.

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