TO ALL FILIPINO AND SINGAPOREAN GIRL GAMERS (or people who have Filipino and Singaporean girl gamer contacts and friends)!
As I mentioned in the original pimping post that I had, I'm conducting research on girl gamers in these two regions, and I would absolutely love it if you could take the time out to answer my survey.
Alternatively, if you're a very good friend of mine or available for an interview while I'm in Singapore, please contact me? It's probably better if I interview you. That way, I can treat you out to dinner or dessert. ♥
ANSWER THE SURVEY HERE This one is an online form now, versus the downloadable questions I had before. It should also be a lot easier for folks to answer!
Please spread the word, and distribute the survey as you will - just remember that respondents have to be Filipino or Singaporean girls and women between the age of 15 and 30. I need as many responses to my survey as I can get by 12 AM, March 21.
Let me know if you're ganking this link and spreading it around, and to who!