Turn the Page: First Post of 2010.

Jan 01, 2010 16:39

New Year's celebration was exceptionally wonderful this year... both my brothers and their families came around and joined us for Mass. Then we had this huge-ass feast, with a 5-kilo slab of roast beef with mashed potatos and corn and horse radish and mushroom gravy.

I think I'm still in a food coma from that. o_o

A-anyway, dad did the usual family blessing before the fireworks, then we had fireworks. THEN WE ALL DID ROCK BAND lsadkghashdh IT'S SERIOUSLY FUN. Also: my parents played with us.

I have video evidence. Will ask it from Pio. |D

Long story short, I slept at 4, woke up at 10:20, sort of bwuhed my way through breakfast (CHRISTMAS HAM) and then Dad set up a Skype call for us so that we could video conference via Skype with my brother Phil and his family, since they're based in Canada. Everyone was so happy. X3

Pio and Pet and their families have both headed home already, so it's just me and Peter with Assassin's Creed 2 until his girlfriend steals him away for the umpteenth time this holiday season. Am a little sleepy, but I don't want to nap through one of the last vacation days that I have left!

Been working on archiving nearly everything - original fic and fanfiction - that I've posted on the Internet over at visceral, my DW fic journal. I've got a long way to go, but I'll make sure to pimp it here and on stitched when I finally finish!

Everyone and their mother's done this meme already a few months back, but I wanted to save it and make it the first post of the new year. This way, I can sort of track what's been happening, both for myself and for all the lovely people I've met (or reacquainted myself with).

You know how sometimes people on your friends-list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out. (:

First Full Name.

Maria Pamela Peralejo Punzalan. I'm known as Kae on the internet circles, formerly Kaesteranya, but that proved much too long. Aaaand a lot of people have been giving me nicknames - derivatives of Kae, Pam, or both. orz


24, and I'm pretty much a kid with money to burn, if only for the moment! I know I complain a lot about feeling very, very old because of my job, but in reality, I've never felt this young and content in my life in spite of the occasional and very painful detours. It's kind of... scary, in a way.


The Philippine Islands, specifically Luzon island, even more specifically the National Capital Region, and even MORE specifically in a not-so-tiny house nestled away in the northern parts of Quezon City.

Most of the old-timers and my RL friends know this, but I used to be based in Vancouver, Canada. I'm a "Canaduck", as khursten loves to put it, if only by my passport. Idk if I'll be going back there - I'm frankly not too interested, beyond possibly visiting. THE WORLD'S A BIG PLACE and I'll need to go abroad to study eventually - and I doubt it'll be in my home town.

I do miss the snow, though. And the clean air.

[/end ramble]


Part-time Lecturer at Ateneo de Manila University - I'm with the English department, and I handle college freshman English 11/English 12 Literature 13/Literature 14 classes. This is my second year of teaching with my Alma Mater, and my first time to teach En12 and Lit14!

...Of course, being a teacher and an aspiring college in an environment like mine doesn't JUST mean teaching, especially if your faculty's either horribly undermanned or horribly apathetic/occupied with their own things. I'm part of several committees at the department, namely the ones in charge of priming the faculty for teaching the literature curriculum and in charge of documenting all the crap we've got sitting around in our collections. I am also a glorified call girl whenever the school has events that need manpower, and in my two years, there have been many.

I get fed, though, and I get paid, and I get connections and a lot of experience. I am totally not complaining.

I plan on making teaching my main occupation, and do serious scholarly/critical work and maybe some writing on the side. We'll see, though - right now, I've got my hands full with completing my masters in Literary and Cultural Studies. Course work is almost complete, and after that is done, I've got to take my comprehensive exams. And THEN it's on to my thesis.

Won't end there, either. If I land a scholarship in MIT or another university abroad next year, I'll be completing an MA over there, then off to do a PhD.

...The things we do for scholarship.


Don't got none. There are... prospects (or maybe just ONE prospect), but to borrow the usual cliche: it's complicated.

Still: I have a feeling that once I get my own place, I'll have more freedom, and options WILL open up. And maybe I'll finally be able to say and do what I've been wanting to say and do for quite some time now.


Haha. ...What?

Brothers/Sisters (with Families).

Aaaaand here goes nothing!

Petrik is the eldest of the Punzalan siblings, and in terms of physical appearance, the two of us are the most alike. I've always been really close to him since the beginning, in spite of the stuff he did to my dad - he's grown up a lot though (I think all of us have), especially now that he's got a family. First thing to note: he has got the most infectious laugh.

Yas is Petrik's wife, and out of all of my sisters-in-law, I feel like I'm closest to her - the proximity really helps, because she's helping us out as our para-legal in the family business. Paolo's description of Yas fits her best: she's a person with true grace, with the ability to know how to act and the means to do it. First thing to note: I love the way she dresses.

Anika is Petrik's daughter - she's about four years old, and growing up nicely, and talking nonstop now that she knows how to. She can get petulant and bratty at times, but I kind of see a younger me before Poveda ruined my childhood in the way she acts, so ahahahahaha. orz First thing to note: BEWARE THE GOOGLY EYES.

Paolo is the second child, and... and I could go on a soliloquy about this one, lol. If you scroll back to my entries on family and brother stuff (and if you're on my plurk timeline), most of them will be about him, AND most of them won't be pleasant. To summarize: he and I really don't get along, and beyond that, he's got a condition that makes him pretty much insufferable on occasion. Nevertheless, he's my brother, and I'm not about to leave him out in the cold in the future. First thing to note: he is totally socially inept, but a gentle giant right down to the core.

Philip is the third! He's always been the jolly one among my brothers, and the most dependable in the lot - I've never had any issues with him whatsoever, and there were many times when he really stood up for me and helped me out when he was still in the Philippines. He's over in Toronto now, with his family. First thing to note: he's like a white Filipino dwarf!

Rob is Philip's best friend - we affectionately call him "our white brother". He and his older brothers were our neighbors back in Vancouver, and he and Philip pretty much grew up together. I really, really miss him, and I don't like his wife. Let me repeat: I don't like his wife.

Liza is Philip's wife, and one of the most talented women I have ever met. I do wish that I got to know her better, since she's all the way in Toronto now, but there will be time for that in the future, I hope! First thing to note: her carrot cake is what I use to measure up all other carrot cakes that I try, and none of them can compare.

Liana is Phil's daughter, and the eldest of my nieces. She used to be this pudgy dwarf-like thing prone to tantrums, but from the pictures and the video conferences, it's kind of amazing to see that she's really growing up to be this beautiful, beautiful girl who's about as artistic and talented as her parents are. First thing to note: her hair's so pretty! *A*

Pio is my fourth older brother, and it's kind of funny how we just did not get along before since I was a brat and he had a violent temper... we grew very, VERY close later on, especially since he was the last guy left in the house for a while (Paolo didn't really count because lolol, Paolo). He is the most like my father out of my siblings, and we tease him mercilessly for it. First thing to note: I likely developed my arrogance and sardonic humor from hanging around him for too long.

Mai Mai is Pio's wife - their love story is a seven-year saga with the cutest incidents and the most fantastic and beautiful wedding that I've been to yet. She's a really cool and smart and amazing person, and I enjoy her company every time we get to meet up! First thing to note: I really love the way she dresses too!

Mia Amelie (Mimi) is Pio's firstborn daughter, the youngest of my nieces, and my god child! She's a newborn, pretty much, and she always looks like she's angry at the world, which is fucking adorable beyond words.

Peter is my younger brother, and the sibling that I am undoubtedly the closest to since we grew up together the way my four older brothers grew up together. He's grown into a fine young man, and I am seriously proud of him, and I will rip out the entrails of whoever dares to hurt him. First thing to note: HE'S SUCH AN ATENEAN. We'll be on the same campus until he graduates! :3


We used to have a labrador retriever named Cole, but he's living with family friends now. ._.

We also used to have a cat named Prince who had an amazing personality and the prettiest coat, but he passed away recently.


List the 3 - 5 Biggest Things in Your Life Right now.

2.) Taking up and attempting to finish my MA. That pretty much takes up the REST of my time.
3.) BEING A GODMOTHER loooool I feel, um, motherly every time I think about it. ;;
4.) Possible recurrence of cancer + diabetes. That should explain why I've got so many entries about doctors and needles.

I'm tempted to put RP here, but I'm really not in any big games - mostly building fantastic stuff in muse boxes and private RPs. So I'm not sure if that counts. owo

And, I am, as always and possibly ever, writing.


Cireneo, also known as Rene, is my father, the CEO of his own construction company, and as my RL friends put it: he is extremely GAR. Words cannot begin to express how proud I am of this man - there is a reason why I talk about him constantly to my friends, even if it may bore them. I am one to believe that my father is one of those self-made men who really made their own way and carved out their own destiny in spite of the fact that the odds were occasionally against them, and the best thing about it is that I can say, with complete certainty, that my father never, EVER cut corners or did anything to compromise his integrity, dignity and moral character.

I've always been a daddy's girl, mostly because my father and I have a lot of similarities that go beyond the fact that we're legally blind and the only ones in the house who know how to work the modem and the router properly. There are times when I find myself sounding like him whenever I lecture my students, or give my friends advice... I guess that just comes to show how much he's influenced me.

Emilie is my mom, a marriage & family counselor, and the other person who truly made me into the person that I am today. She's the guiding light and voice of morality for our whole family - she keeps us together, keeps us balanced. Dad says that time and again, if it wasn't for mom, we wouldn't be where we are now. Or we'd be higher than where we are in terms of material wealth, and we likely would have stepped on a whole lot of people to get there.

I couldn't understand my mother all that well when I was younger, but my recent years have appeared to become a running study of discovery - I feel as though I've learned more about my mother now than I ever have in all the years that I spent with her. I've come to love the times when we get to go out on mother-daughter dates, and I truly appreciate the fact that she goes out of her way to be with me when I go to the doctor, which is often because of my condition.

My parents have been married for over thirty-seven years now, and they're seriously going to grow old and happy together. Their love is a constant reminder to me about how it really IS possible to spend the rest of your life with someone beautiful and perfect, even in their imperfections.

Who are some of your Closest Friends?

khursten: met her in ADMU, and we've been pretty much inseparable ever since - we became exceptionally close last year, for a number of reasons, and frankly? My day isn't complete if I don't bug her at least once. She's also the Gintoki/Bansai to my Takasugi, the Dino to my Hibari, and... and the list can likely go on forever as we keep RPing together. o_o We're scholars, and critics, and writers, and partners-in-crime together, and I have always admired her for who she is, what she's done, and what I believe she is capable of doing in the future.

yukitsu: My beloved other half, and something like a surrogate sister to me since we met in college! At first it was like I was her older sister and then it was like we're twins but these days she's like my OLDER sister because sadlgkhasd;hkg she is trufax dependable and she's done so much for me and I feel as though I can never repay her. ;;

kye_kestrel: I met Lyn through Yukeh, and I have never regretted it. We only really grew close between 2008 and 2009, where I discovered Lyn for who she really is, and that happens to be a very beautiful person. She's kind and thoughtful and fiercely protective of the people who she loves - qualities that one is hard pressed to find in people these days. And if anybody dares to harm her, imma shoot them dead. :D

77ws: One of the only members of the opposite sex who I bother myself with these days. Pao gives "zen" a whole new meaning, and there are times when I greatly admire his ability to stand back, observe, and comment on matters that are often too close to the heart for us to function. He and I really jive when it comes to tastes in anime/manga/games/books, and he is also a horrible troll.

psychoshoujo: my twin sister from Ateneo! We're just a day apart on the birthday end, and we're so totally Gemini together that it's funny. We don't meet as often as we used to, but it is always wonderful seeing her and chilling out with her again. She's also introduced me to some very interesting people.

omnicresence: Another one of the members of the male species who restore my faith in their kind... he is as precious to me as my surrogate sisters are, and although I can count on one hand the number of times that we have talked since 2007, they have always been memorable and lovable. I miss the guy a lot, actually. ._.

signifies: my surrogate little sister online - we got really close recently, and she pretty much completes my day and puts up with my ranting/rambling/fangirling. I hope to meet her in person, either by flying over to where she is or waiting for her to haul her ass back to Manila. When we DO meet, I am sure that it will be glorious. \o/

desumethis: Another person I recently grew close to... we were apparently admiring each other from a distance for some time before we finally decided to IM each other. We've never really stopped since then. BY THE WAY, HARU, WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME, I LONG TO molest SEE YOU!

g3ssh0ku: My beloved 69, who denies my love and tells me to DIAF even though she secretly loves me! She is the first one I got close to back when I was still running Serious Business, and though we don't talk nearly as often as we used to, I always feel safe and happy whenever we do bug each other. WE ALSO TOTALLY CONNECT IN TERMS OF RP CHARACTERS, AND SHE SAYS SHE HATES IT BUT I KNOW HOW SHE REALLY FEELS.

nique: The Katsura to my Takasugi, always and ever. ♥ We met through TST, and I'm so glad that we continue to bug each other and log and spazz and talk weird pseudo-terrorist/disgruntled human being over AIM. SOMEDAY I WILL COME AND SEE YOU AND MOLEST YOU, MY DEAR.

Sammi isn't on the LJ circles anymore, and I've only recently reestablished contact with her, but it's almost like we never really stopped talking. We've had our tiffs in the past, but in all honesty, Sammi's somebody that one has to respect for their brutal honesty, with themselves and with other people.

The Famiglia and the rest of the old Serious Business RP group, most especially dreamlessness, nonartisan and mlina - you guys know who you are. I needn't explain, and I send you all my love, as always. :3

The Faura Smocket Group is my collective name for the boys and girls that I met through hamster_friend in the Faura smocket on campus. I had a four-hour break in between my first and second classes last year, so that gave me a LOT of time to get close to these guys. They're my in-school crowd, and they jokingly call me their second mother (who is married to their libertine father).

My flist is also a pleasure to read most of time, as is my plurk timeline. You guys are so marvelously crazy. XD

Writing memes will follow when I am less lazy!: Oh wait, here it is.

writer rambles: the craft, this is love, aibou, on vacation, family, memeness

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