Before all else:
explodinguterus and
rainy_takako, YOU GUYS WERE AWESOME.
Semi-slow day at work this time around -- it turns out that I pretty much cleared out all the backlog from the past two months that I was absent (
read this post for the menial details), so by 4 PM, I was lollygagging on #oofuri and attempting to get getting some plot stuff done for ET. Was lucky enough to snag an early ride home with my mom and my grandmother, who ended up in the office due to pest control and scheduling problems. o_o
I made my Dad lol earlier though:
Me: Do you know what I call Tuesdays and Thursdays now?
Him: o_o?
Him: ... XD
Will be chillaxing at home again tomorrow; my wrist seems a lot better than it was yesterday (apparently, it's an on-and-off thing for the moment), so maybe I'll get some writing done? Will take breaks to watch animu in between, just to make sure it STAYS fine this time. And maybe I'll take some advice from
yukitsu and smack a warm compress on this thing.
On the fandom side of things, I have:
- Prepared my HD for the Spring Animu Deluge. It'll start with MACROSS FRONTIER, which is apparently coming out tomorrow. u_u
- Caught up with Bleach by speed-reading and basically glazing over most of the dialogue and nearly all of the ridiculously long battle scenes. ...I cannot take the Vaizards seriously, even if they were former shinigami. THEY JUST LOOK SO WEIRD IN THOSE CLOTHES.
- Resuscitated my rabu-rabu for D.Grayman. It still makes me squick at some points (BECAUSE IT IS GOTHIC DBZ WITH PRETTIER CHARACTERS AND A NICER PREMISE), but the love. It is there again. IS IT BECAUSE KANDA IS GROWING A PERSONALITY NAO? OR MAYBE IT'S CROSS' HAIR. LENALEE, PERHAPS?
- Exhausted all current 07 Ghost and Kekkaishi chapters. *shakes their respective authors* I WANT MOAR.
- Watched the commercial for the second season of XXXHOLiC. It still looks... HOLiC-y.
- Started reading Amatsuki. UR RITE, paperonigiri, IT IS VERY INTERESTING.
- Killed myself with Chi's Sweet Home cuteness. How many episodes will this have? Does anyone know? @_@
- Felt my Gaydar blip like there was a mothefucking tsunami on my HD when I caught the first ep of Bus Gamer. ...I'm a little disappointed, but kye_kestrel is right: there will only be 3 eps. It can't get that bad. Can it?
- Finished Spice & Wolf. ...I'm glad it ended well. THE OPENING SONG, IT ALWAYS MADE ME SAD AND FEAR FOR THE WORST.
- Caught up (a little) with Ghost Hound. There is some weird shit going on in there. o_o
yukitsu, our project for this weekend is DVD burning, plottage, possible cakeeating-age, and snapping photos of my house. IS DAT COOL WITH YOU COZ IT'S COOL WITH ME! :D
THIS is relevant to ADMU Lit Major interests, whether you're former or current. ._. Looks like we're saying goodbye to a master.