So as I mentioned yesterday, my mom dragged me to the doctor's office to check up on that infection I had sometime before Christmas break... turns out the damned virus mutated, so now I'm back on antibiotics and forbidden from going to the gym until I'm well.
I've also had to give up the smoking and detox until further notice. Doctor gave me a small lecture on the many bad things that come from the habit (nothing I didn't already know), and Mom added a bit of her own input when we were in the car. Surprisingly, though, she didn't "highly encourage" me to stop. Quite unlike my mother, if I do say so myself, but a refreshing change in execution.
So. Bottom line is, Kae is not smoking for a while. I have no intentions of quitting, but sick is sick. Will lay off at LEAST until finals week, where I'm sure I'll need it between exams and my thesis.
Watched the first episode of The L Word Season 5 last night, in which Jenny received a quadruple dose of ANNOYING! and Shane (among others) remained hot. As. Ever. I admit that The L Word is a guilty pleasure of mine, since there are times when it's just sooo bad that it's almost good, and watching rampant girlsmex is always gratifying in some sense. Watching it also made me realize that I still haven't gone past the first few episodes of Season 4 with QaF yet. @_@ I shouldn't taken time out to watch Ghost Hound 8 after that, but you know how I am about creepy/horror stuff. Ended up reading BL doujinshi instead.
...I swear. Fangirls know this already, but that clinches it: BL Doujinshi changes lives. Like, I was reading this FF7 title that ships Reno x Cloud and my god. I'm a believer nao.
I can't wait to see Persona 3 doujinshi come out. I CAN HAS SHINJI/AKI + AKI/MINATO/AKI + RYOJI/MINATO/PHAROS NAO?
Speaking of BL doujin:
strawberrychain, I finally got to download and read the Antique Bakery stuff. THEY'RE SO NICE. *___*
Oh, and because this merits posting... my brother found this new brush that my mom gave me. It's one of those things that looks and functions sorta like a hair iron without the heat, so what you're supposed to do is put your hair between the tongs and pull. Peter wanted to try it out for himself, and he sorta learned the hard way that it only works effectively if your hair is long enough. To illustrate:
Peter: Oooooh. What's this? Can I try it out?
Me: Uh. That might not be such a good ide--
Punzalan idiosyncrasies, yes?
Hur hur. I'd talk about my day rather than yesterday, but to be honest nothing really happened. Ateneo campus is starting to take on that empty aura indicative of the second semester ending and Impending Doom approaching for seniors.
I'm not posting more often because I want to abuse my many LJ icons, I swear!