
Nov 17, 2007 20:44

I spent my first day on the job at my dad's office just this Thursday, where I realized that I have a whole lot of recovery work to do for the website they want me to maintain because my brother is an emotional retard and that the Internet connection is a hell lot faster there than it is at my house. I've got a meeting with my dad and my aunt -- head of Sales & Marketing -- this coming Tuesday. I'll probably start working for realz by then/

Yesterday was pretty much unproductive if you were to consider the academic aspect of things, but that couldn't have been avoided given the fact that it was Faculty Day and two out of my three classes were canceled. I would've loved to skip it in favor of lounging around some more with laurgasm and _stillframe_, but it was Third World Lit II with Sir DM, and we all know how much I love that man. He's given me an A twice in a row! :D

58321 / 73122 words. 80% done!

Stayed up REALLY late (and I therefore got to keep yukitsu company while she pulled a 16-hour shift at her workplace) in order to finish the first arc of Bloodsport in NaNoWriMo, which I did -- that leaves me around 14,000 more words before I hit my planned quota (see progress bar above), and more than enough time to kick start Interlude I. I do plan on continuing to write all the way until November 30, but I'm going to slow down phenomenally after I reach my goal. Thesis is a-coming, yo.

I somehow managed to wake up by 8:30 and immediately zipped over to the humble abode of my cousin ryvaeus -- I had the novelty of watching him flail around before we went to the Evil Fully Booked Flag Store at the Fort in order to do some Lit Major-style book hunting. yukitsu hooked up with us later, and we ate at two very lovely restaurants for lunch and desert. Spent the next few hours back at my cousin's house before he headed off to a concert. Paper Mario rulez.

Congratulate me. I could've gone home with P2500 worth of new books and no savings to speak off. I only came home with two novels this time. >_>

My thesis adviser wants me to send in what I've managed to accomplish for my thesis thus far (read: Not Much At All) by Sunday -- after I do that, I'm going to spend the rest of the day chilling out, possibly reading Gaudium et Spes for Theology class and upping the word count some more for NaNo.

...There are so many movies I ought to be watching. ~_~ The only thing that's stopping me is the fact that I want to read the comic/book versions of the films in question before I even think of going to a movie theater for them.

On other news, Avatar the Last Airbender has joined my list of top fandoms.

Kais. Time to stop slacking off nao.

P.S. Can anybody on my flist rec any good LJ communities or websites for music whorage? I'm trying to find ways of abusing the connection over at the office whenever I'm there, but I don't want to do any BT downloads.

EDIT: Chickadees, I think I've been around the Internet long enough to know what search engines are. My apologies for not being specific about the request above, so let me do it now: I'm looking for specific websites, LJ communities and blogs to download music from. That I'm asking means that I don't want to type in "mp3 downloads" in google and wade through millions of links for an audio-fix.

Hay. Some people. For the lulz, I tell you.

a thesis is a thesis is a thesis!, bibliophilia, whoring: god is in the tv, gaming, college escapades, nanowrimo, baito: bright inc, writer rambles: self-imposed deadlines, bloodsport, movies

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