Oct 02, 2006 20:34
At this moment I feel like I bird that's hit a window at 212mph. This is what the thought of having only two more weeks to go before finals and the inevitable end of the first semester. Many things to do, many more things willingly forgotten. Then there's people and yourself and more people and then more of yourself. But let's stop the existential angst now. o_o
Storm blows in. Power goes down all over Luzon. Trees (and the occasional cat) fly, dogs freak out, everyone goes "YAY APOCALYPSE!" and Luzon's offline. Some areas are still recovering. I'm cool on my end. Got to test out pirated PS2 games and watch my niece crawl all over the floor with my older brother following her, looking dorky rather than cute.
Smoked two cigs in four days and felt the withdrawal this morning. Go, me. Did I mention that I cut Pol Sci? I do solemnly swear to be a good student for the remaining days though. ...No, really. Watch me get my readings in the library tomorrow morning.
And all of this was posted for no particular reason other than the need to download mp3s on the main PC because lappie speed just doesn't cut it.
Small segway: good fight, team. It was a nice go. And thanks to those who helped me along in the day, boy bonking on laptops aside. You know who you are. And I love you muchly.
the table & panzer division,
demon days,
school woes,
third world country funnies