Izzy's Big Trip: Part 8

Jul 10, 2009 13:56

And so Izzy was content to spend his time at the mountain top lab, processing data, fretting over what went wrong with his experiment, when a thought occurred to him. Perhaps he was acclimated than he had realized. Sure he still easily got winded going up and down hill and stair, but no headaches, no vomiting, and no vertigo. What joys it was to have not fallen victim to the troubles other folks whom have spent time here and whom had much more experience with such heights.

And so Izzy processed his data contently, with the minor exception of course of the allergy causing his snout to run. He continued his search for The Event that the other scientist had seen in their data. Izzy hoped greatly that the reason he hadn't seen it wasn't due to a fault of his equipment, but that someone's clock wasn't set properly. For the event of 17:15:33 had been seen, but the clock that provided that number was off by whole hours, then that might suggest that The Event was seen, but just not found yet by Izzy.

But knowledge of The Event, a lightning strike that seemed to provide great amounts of x-ray joy, would not for sure be found that day. For soon a trip back down the mountain was needed. The buddy system being in effect for non-super experienced folks, would soon require Izzy to go back down to the land of Socorro as the buddy, Mr. Harold, needed groceries and to check on his residence in the village below.


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