Лингвистический флэш - моб "Сочини свою историю на английском языке"

Jan 18, 2012 00:53

Даже не тешу себя надеждой что будет много участников, но всё же, если вы знаете английский и внезапно возникло желание попрактивоать язык, предлагаю интересный флешмоб от
c_bemol в Гамма настроений ЖЖ - эй:)

Суть флешмоба заключается в том, что автор даёт на выбор НАСТРОЕНИЯ из списка настроений ЖЖ, и следующий участник должен сочинить с ними коротенькую историю на английском, употребив все 9 слов ( желательно не более чем по 1 слову из списка который предложат  в 1 предложении, можно и объединять по 2-3 слова в одном предложении ) чтобы  врезультате получилась более ни менее ( желательно более всё таки) связная история на  интересную Вам тематику или тематику, как то связанную с Вашим ЖЖ непосредственно.

Ниже приведён список слов - настроений ЖЖ, которые достались  мне от
c_bemol и уже сочиненная с ними  история про морскую жизнь ( учитывала пожелания автора - что-нибудь на морскую тематику)...

accomplished - воспитанный, культурный, изысканный, (завершенный, совершенный)
aggravated - раздраженный, рассерженный
amused - изумленно, с приятным удивлением
angry - сердитый, недовольный, раздраженный, разгневанный
annoyed - недовольный, раздосадованный, раздраженный
anxious - обеспокоенный, озабоченный, тревожный, беспокойный
apathetic - апатичный, равнодушный, безразличный
artistic - артистичный
awake - бдительный, настороженный, осмотрительный? (бодрствующий)

About the sailors  ( as a stream of my consciousness)...

I won't be mistaken when I state a fact, tt most of the people arond me may percieve a sailor as a not accomlished, a little bit strange, even angry, or on the contrary  -  apathetic to the current events person...

It can be so, cause all this  sailors  live in anotheer world around them - the world of the Seven seas, the world, which dictate another rules - and the sailors should be always awake in order to follow these rules correctly...a mistake may cost them a life... YOU KNOW - so, these people must be anxious about their lives & and the lives of their families, too.

Speaking about the families, I can't help saying, tt the relatives of the sailors are very often aggravated and even angry because of plenty of reasons very well-known to them -   long terms contracts, being alone during our public holidays, resolving all the problems without their husbands, etc... but what a stream of emotions can fulfill them, when the sailor finally returns back to his home, what an amuzed, hearty welcome when the sailor finally cross the threshold. Every time an artistic drama ( comedy or tragedy) is playing, sometimes even  making the participants being annoyed about all of this, but the "every time new" emotions, feeling  that moment are really unforgettable experience anyway...

FAIRY TALE - ABOUT CLEVER BOY & GIRL WITH A BITCHY CHARACTER bitchy - стервозный, раздражительный; разнузданный, циничный; злобный, злой, ожесточенный blah - плохое - хандра, тоска (абсурд, вздор, чепуха) blank - озадаченный, смущенный, полностью сбитый с толку bored - скучааающий bouncy - живой, подвижный (пружинистый, тряский) busy - деятельный, занятой; оживленный, назойливый
letter  "b" 
PART 1 - The Beginning

Once upon a time  a girl with a really bitchy character lived  at the seacoast with a pictureque landscapes & high palm trees.

She was beatiful, smart & intelligent, she knew a lot about the world around her, but she had never loved anybody in her life. All the boys in the coutry-side were in love with her & told her a lof of this usual " blah-blah-blah" regarding her beauty & her smart mind,  but she was merciless to them & told her cold "no" to any groom, who was dare to talk to her about his feelings.

As  she was really bored of all of them, she decided to have some fun for her, cause  she lived alone & needed some kind of entertainment  from time to time.

She gathered all the grooms & told them to find a black pearl on the ocean bed & bring it to her. The first, who would find it, would be a lucky man, whom she would kiss. No wonder, everybody wanted to be this lucky man - but everybody was blank because of this hard task, as only a rare chosen plunger could find this pearl.

At the same time one very clever boy lived just not far from  the house of this bitchy girl, but he was so busy about his routine affairs, that he didn't even know about the new task of his a little bit strange, but so beautiful ( oh!, very-very beautiful) neighbour. As he was a perfect plunger, he had even a collection of the black pearls, which he could find sailing on his  bouncy boat far from the coast-line.
Every evening he thought about this girl, but he was shy & wasn't self- confident, so he wasn't able to come closer to her ( knowing very well about her bitchy character)  - so, he would have never known that a possible kiss from her was such close to him - just as a black pearl he used to hold on his palms...

letter "c"

calm - спокойный, мирный, невозмутимый; (выдержанный - прохарактер; разг. - нескромный, беззастенчивый) cheerful - веселый, жизнерадостный; живой, энергичный, неунывающий chipper - бодрый, живой cold - холодно, спокойно, хладнокровно, невозмутимо, бесстрастно complacent - почтительный, любезный, обходительный; (самодовольный, услужливый) confused - смущенный, озадаченный; поставленный в тупик, сбитый с толку; пораженный; (о речи - спутанный, беспорядочный, сбивчивый) contemplative - созерцательный, погруженный в бездеятельное состояние, пассивный, размышляющий content - довольный, удовлетворенный; согласный cranky - сердитый, злой, раздраженный, трудный в общении crappy - дерьмовый, дрянной, паршивый crazy - бредовый, сумасшедший; помешанный, сильно увлеченный; (замечательный, великолепный; волнующий, возбуждающий (о джазе:) )) creative - созидательный, творческий crushed - раздавленный (broken, humbled, humiliated, low) curious - любопытствующий, любознательный, пытливый; (про не-настроения - странный, курьёзный, чудной; эвф. - эротический, порнографический; диал. - изящный, изысканный, тонкий) cynical - циничный; скептический, сомневающийся, недоверчивый; издевательский, презрительный PART 2 - The Stolen Kiss Two months passed since the grooms had received their hard task to find a black pearl, but still nobody was able to do it - no wonder all of them were confused & even a little bit crushed about all this crappy & unsuccessful search. At the same time one dishonourable & sly groom bought some artificial black pearls, made of unknown to him material, which was offered to him by one creative casual street vendor. Of course, this cynical groom - his name will be Sly Groom in this story - was sure tt noboby would ever understand the difference between the natural & artificial pearls. It goes without saying tt he was absolutely content about everything, though it seemed to be crazy & fatal for his reputation in case anybody would see the difference. Next day an artificial pearl was shown to the contemplative Girl With a Bitch Character ( GWaBC). She looked with surprise at the pearls and was really cranky tt Sly Groom coped with the task, as he was ugly & not in her taste. Inspite of that, she came to him and kissed him with a cold сalmness of a real bitch. Sly Groom was was so chipper and cheerful because of that kiss, that finally forgot about any complacent attitute to the other grooms, who watched this scene with attantion and told them: "All of you are real fools!" He told it so loudly, that even a Clever Boy, who lived not far from GWaBC could hear it. As he was curious about the noise outside, he also came to the house of this girl. Oh! How cranky he was, when understood what had happened - he wasn't calm at all. He was disappointed tt his beloved girl entertaining herself with such a strange ideas and a little bit envy, that it wasn't he, whom kissed the girl....

depressed - подавленный, угнетённый, унылый; в состоянии депрессии, застоя

determined -          решительный, твёрдый, непоколебимый, стойкий, непреклонный

devious -         неискренний, нечестный, непорядочный (заблуждающийся, сбившийся с пути)

dirty -          вульгарный, непристойный, скабрезный; неодобрительный, враждебный;
злоумышленный, злостный; неэтичный, продажный, коррумпированный, подлый

disappointed -          разочарованный, разочаровавшийся, огорчённый

discontent -        недовольный, раздосадованный, неудовлетворённый

distressed - бедствующий, страдающий (из психологии ещё - в состоянии (ди)стресса, подавленный)

ditzy - легкомысленный, взбалмошный, сумасбродный, рассеянный

dorky - ? мужланистый, грубоватый? (dork - мужлан)

drained - дренированный, осохший, высохший

drunk - потерявший самообладание (от чего-л.), опьянённый

Letter -D

The Clever Boy was disappointed that his beloved girl turned out to be rather ditzy person & entertained herself with such a strange ideas! As he saw,that she was kissing this dorky and devious Sly Groom, who presented to her some black pearls, the Clever Boy was absolutely depressed!

At that moment he saw the pearls  in the Girl's palm, he understood tt these pearls were not natural, but an artificial one. Oh! How discontent he was because of such a dirty deed of the Sly Groom. He ran to the Girl, caught the pearls from her hand & threw them somewhere. At the same moment some other grooms from this group ran to the same side in order to find them and to return back to their Lady.

-Oh my God! What are you doing? Are you drunk? - told the Girl to him
He looked at her and was so nervous, tt it help him to be determined and to tell her - at last: " I'm drunk because of my love to You!
It was real distress situation to him, anyway he would have never told her the truth. Moreover, he told:
- I'm a pearl-diver & I have some unusual pearls just in my house. Wait! I'll come with them in a minute.
As soon as the Clever Boy told this, the Sly Groom felt himself like a drained palm, which is not interesting to anybody. It was a real shame to him.
-Oh! I hate You, Clever Boy - and I'll try to revenge you for this shame!


ecstatic - исступлённый, экстатический, восторженный, находящийся в экстазе embarrassed -          смущенный, сконфуженный; сбитый с толку, растерянный energetic -          активный, энергичный, сильный enraged -           взбешенный, разъяренный enthralled -          покоренный, плененный, очарованный, увлеченный envious -        завистливый, завидующий exanimate - бездыханный, безжизненный, вялый, слабый, тусклый exited - взволнованный, возбуждённый (вследствие положительных эмоций); взвинченный, напряжённый exausted - истощённый, изнурённый; измученный; обессиленный

While the ecstatic Clever Boy was going to his house in order to bring some Black Pearls for his Mistress, the envious Sly Groom went to the sea-coast with an energetic walking. As he was enraged that the Clever Boy found out that his pearls were artificial, he came to the small boat of the Clever Boy, stroke the match & put on fire the boat. He was even a little bit exited when saw how small bodies of flame started to burn the bottom of the boat...
...At the same time our Clever Boy was so enthralled with the possibility to receive a kiss from his beloved Girl, that he didn't pay any attantion to the smoke, which appeared just on the same place where he had stored his boat. He came into his house, took some pearls & wanted to return to his Girl, but at the very moment he noticed the flame on the sea-coast, came closer & saw that his boat was being ablazed.
- Oh my God!! - he cried. At first he was embarrassed, then exausted, even exanimated. He stood still & wasn't able to believe that it was over with his boat!At this moment he was totally empty. He sat down, cried & even didn't notice how his black pearls slipped off his palm...

"F-letter" flirty - кокетливое, игривое frustated -           расстроенный, недовольный, отчаявшийся, удрученный; (сексуально) неудовлетворенный full -          довольный, удовлетворенный
F- Frustration of his Dreams
As soon as Clever Boy had finally noticed that he didn't have his plack unique pearls in his palm, he couldn't belive, that it was over not only with his boat, but with his dream to be kissed by his beloved Girl, too. Oh no! He was so frustrated & didn't know what to do, as it was impossible to find another pearls without his boat,No wonder that rather long period of time was needed to build a new boat. He sat down on the beach, dropped his fingers into the hot sand, clenched his fists & cried...

He was so worried with his troubles, that even didn't notice a flirty small squirrel, which caught one black thing in her legs & smiled with such a full smile, that one very little boy, who played not far from her location saw her and was so amuzed by such a pretty creature, that decided to stoke her, but squirrel was so angry, that even tried to bite that little boy, but at last moment saw, that his eyes were so kind & his smile so nice, that changed her mind & ran away - closer Clever Boy, who totally ignored her, stood up & went back to village. It was really unpleasant for him to come back without any pearl he had in his arms just a few minutes ago.

Angry Squirrel was so interested in the reason of the unfortunes of the boy, that decided to stay for a while in this village in order to observe the local life. She decided to live not far from the house of a Clever boy, but at first she found a hidden place in the hollow of one bushy tree, where put the Black pearl. It was her treasure!

When our Clever Boy returned to the Girl with an empty hands & told that had just missed all his five pearls on the beach, trying to save his boat from fire, nobody belived him. At the same time the Girl decided to continue her competition & told this Clever Boy, that she will turn her anger for mercy in case Clever Boy would find his pearls ( or even one of them!) he would become his wife. In case he didn't cope with the task will tomorrow evening. Of course, she didn't belive that he would find them
" And artificial pearls are better them none of the natural one", - she thought, looking with pleasure

geeky - чокнутый, помешанный (напр.на компьютерах), типа нашего фрика вроде что-то giddy -           ветреный, легкомысленный, пустой, несерьезный, мечтательный giggly -          смешливый gloomy -           угрюмый, печальный, удрученный, темный, мрачный good -          хороший, добрый, доброжелательный; милый, любезный grateful -        благодарный, признательный groggy - хмельной, пьяный grumpy - несдержанный, раздражительный, сварливый guilty - виноватый

"And artificial pearls are better them none of the natural one", - she thought, looking with the grateful glance at Teel - one very handsome boy, who also was not apathetic to this Girl with the Bitchy character, by the way, the real name of the girl was Percefona, but nobody knew it, as she always demanded to call her Deyda. She was so giddy with such important things, but why she decided to change her name - was her great secret, unknown to anybody

At the very moment the Clever Boy threw all five artificial pearls somewere to the seaside, one from the grooms ran there & found four of them. He tried to find the last one, but in vain and returned to Deyda with a guilty look:

-Here are four pearls, my Mistress
-Hm, and where is the fifth one, I wonder?
-Couldn't find it - he said a little bit grumpy, as he expected a Good word from her and even something more...
-Well, in any case, thank you, Teel, I'll remember your fervour in future...

All this time our Clever Boy was standing with the gloomy look, thinking who could rent him a boat in order he could find any black pearl in the ocean till tomorrow evening, looking at his beloved Deyda with the groggy look, thinking that nothing was good today - burnt boat, no kiss, no pearls...it was really one of the so-called black days..
or may be it was a kind of a test for his love? who knows.. some people told, that he was geeky with his old boat...

As soon as the fifth aftificail pearl was hidden be AS, she decided to observe the landscapes in order to find the best house for herself, went to the seaside and suddenly saw how the small boy she had already seen before, found something very alike to her treasure..the same shape, the same colour..
"How interesting" - thought Angry Squirrel, whose name was Quelle, I would better come closer to him and find out what kind of an object he hold...

happy - счастливый, довольный, веселый; навеселе, подвыпивший high -           весёлый, радостный; в приподнятом настроении; возбуждённый, под кайфом (разг.); сильно желающий (чего-л.), стремящийся (к чему-л.) - high on smbd/smth hopeful -          надеющийся на (of) horny -           сексуально озабоченный hot -          пылкий, неистовый, вспыльчивый, возбужденный, разгоряченный, взвинченный hungry -        страстно желающий, жаждущий; алчущий (синоним craving?) hyper - энергичный человек - настроенческого перевода не нашла, видимо - нечто между happy и high - :) The magic quilities of the pearl
"How interesting" - thought Angry Squirrel, whose name was Quelle, I would better come closer to him and find out what kind of an object he hold...Of course, the little boy with a charming smile was really happy to find a very-very small strange black ball, but actually he didn't know what to do with it. At the very moment he was standing and thinking about his next step - throw away ot show to his mother - a flirty small animal jumped to him. Yes, it was Quelle - our Angry Squirrel. As soon as she had seen the pearl in the hand of the boy, she was so hungry and  hyper to obtain it, that she forgot about any precautions and told him:

-Give it to me!

The boy was so  surprised to see the squirrel, who could speak with a human voice, that he had dropped the pearl and ran away in order to tell his Mammy that he saw an animal, who could speak. Of course, nobody belived him. People trying not to believe in the things they cannot explain. ))

Quelle went back to the old tree in a high mood, catching the natural pearl in the leg and put it in the same hollow, where the artificial one was already hidden by her. In her greedy thoughts she was hopeful of some more pearls she could find there in order to make a collection of them. Squirrels are the same as people -  the more they have, the more they want to have.)) She was really surprised when saw, that the  first pearl she had found  was shining with the strange light in the dark hollow. She even couldn't imagine, that the artificial pearl was magic one  - and this pearl she found  was only a fifth part of the whole one. The person, who would hold all the five parts of it, would immidiately fell in love with somebody. Exept of this, even one part of the magic pearl can bring good luck and made the dreams come true, if these dreams where worthy to come true...

At the same moment Teel was so hot, and even a little bit horny ( no wonder!) with Deyda and her good words she said to him, that decided to find the fifth pearl ( he also didn't know that it was only the part of one pearl - one more magic quility of it - to devide into five parts and when all the parts are collected together, to become one solid pearl again.

...When two pearls were hidden, Quelle came back to the crowd of people, found Nyord, who was standing with the gloomy look, came closer to him and saw his eyes. He was so unhappy, that even she turned out to be not so angry as usual and decided to do something for him, but didn't know how to do it. She even didn't expect, that she could solve all his problems just by giving him a part of his treasure. But who wants to help somebody at its own expense?! It's a kind of a sacrifice...

impressed - впечатленный, пораженный indescribable -           неописуемый:) indifferent -          безразличный, равнодушный; незаинтересованный; безучастный; нейтральный; беспристрастный infuriated -           разъяренный (about / at / over / with smth - из-за), вне себя типа) intimidated -          запуганный, устрашенный irate -        гневный, разгневанный, взбешенный irritated - сердитый, раздраженный, разгневанный (синонимы - angry, exasperated, annoyed) Nyord was so irritated by the strange task of Deyda to find a pearl till tomorrow evening, that turned back and went away to his house direction. All the night he couldn't sleep, thinking about the injustice of life... Next morning Nyord woke up very early and decided to go and ask one somebody to rent a boat for him, but suddenly saw a strange animal on the threshold of his house - Yes! It was She - the fugitive from the Freat Apathetic Mountains - Quelle! She was so curious about the reason of the gloomy look of Nyord, that decided to talk to him. Since yesterday she could speak - that was the first magic quality of the the Pearl, she found before. Curiousity was a special feature of her character :) Quelle came closer to him and ask the Clever Boy with an indifferent voice: -What's the troubles, my dear? Nyord was so impressed by the speaking squirrel, that at the first moment he had decided, that he went mad. Quelle saw his intimidated eyes and answered at once: -No! You are not mad, my dear,but I had heard from you, that You were mad in love with that beautiful girl, mmm? -Yes, my little friend. She ordered me to find a very rare Black Pearl till today evening, but I can't do it because my boat was burnt by somebody and I lost my natural pearls when I tried to stop the fire. If I don't bring the pearl, she will kiss Teel today in the evening, who had found aftificial pearls, which our Sly Groom bought somewhere and I threw away. Deyda was really infuriated because of it, but our hero Teel ( who is so handsome and popular among the girls) found four of the aftificial pearls, onle one of them disappeared somewhere. No wonder that he can easily become her favourite boy and the winner after it, not me... - Pearls, rare pearls..how interesting! - said the Squirrel and thought about her yesterday's treasure...mmm..one of it is turned our to be an artificial!Mmm...How sad! *Her sorrow about that fact was indescribable,but she didn't show the emotions at all* Nyord looked at her and continued... - I think that I am more worthy to be kissed Deyda, than Teel. He did nothing, he just found them on the ground. It was so simple, that any fool could do it, and she doesn't even want to think about it, she doesn't see it at all. When people sympathize with somebody, they are not able to see the simpliest things at all!And I love her,you understand what I mean, my furry friend? -Actually not, what is "Love"? - asked Quelle a little bit irate, as she hated not to know the meaning of something, - but I think that had an idea how to help you in case you will explain me what is Love. I've already heard this word before:one pretty hedgehog, brothers-hippopotamuses, and even one hamster told me about love, but no one of them couldn't explain what were they talking about.May be you can do it? - she asked...

jealous - ревнивый, ревнующий; завидующий, завистливый; бдительный, заботливый jubilant -          ликующий, торжествующий
the Stolen Boat
- May be you can do it? - she asked Nyord with an archly intonation in her voice.
- Oh! My dear! "Love" is such a complicated feeling that it is impossible to describe it in few words, you see...
-Well...in such a case, my dear, I won't help you, forget about my words and about me at all. Have a nice day - he-he,and today in the evening you will see how this handsome Teel will be kissed by your beloved Deyda.
-Oh no! It won't happen, cruel squirrel, how dare you are to say such words! Get away from my house, I'll cope with the task without your help!
-No problem - she said, waved him by her furry tail a little bit apathetic to his problems and ran very quickly away in order to check if everything was OK with her treasure...

Nyord was standing and thinking about the speaking squirrel as a strange dream and then with jealous look at the new boat of the Sly Groom,which was getting dry on the sand not far from his house. As for the Sly Groom himself, he had disappered somewhere and nobody could find him since yesterday.

Suddenly Nyord ran to this boat, untied it and very quickly sailed on it far away from the coast. At that moment Nyord was thinking about Teel and that he didn't wont to see the jubilant smile on Teel's face at the moment Deyda would kiss him.No! He will find another black pearl and his competitor would have never be kissed by Deyda...

At that moment Quelle ran to the old tree, found her two pearls and suddenly saw a strange announcement with her face drawn on it and crossed with the capital letters sounding as "WANTED".
"Oh no! It's high time to take my pearls and to went away from here", - she thought...

lazy ленивый, распологающий к лени
lethargic апатичный, безразличный, вялый
listless апатичный, бездеятельный, безразличный, вялый
lonely одинокий, страдающий от одиночества
loved любимый

The End )
"Oh no! It's high time to take my pearls and to went away from here", - she thought and all her lуthargic mood disappeared in one moment.She looked with a listless look at the artificial pearl ( she didn't discover it's magiс qualities yet) and threw it away somewhere to the seaside,just to the place where the lonely Teel had been walking at this moment.

Quelle took the natural Black pearl, looked once more on the capital letters "WANTED" and ran as quickly as she could to the unknown direction, far away from this forest, from this village, from these people, far away from the Great Apathetic Mountains...up hill and down dale...somewhere to the cloister, where she wouldn't be found, where she could live and create a new religion for herself...

At that moment Teel suddenly saw that a little black round object fall down on the sand, came to it and found out that it was the fifth pearl - just underfoot! He couln't belive his eyes and thought about the force of the fortuity! How happy he was, that Deyda would kiss him this evening, he took this pearl and went home...

Nyord sailed as far as he could on this stolen Sly Groom's boat, found the biggest black pearl he had never found before and was happy to return back not empty-handed. The only problem was that when he was sailing back, the weather became worse and because of the sudden blow of the wind the Sly Groom's boat was crashed on the rock, the breach appeared in it and it sank. It was a kind of the element's revenge to the Sly Groom for the Nyords' burnt boat..don't U think?)

In the evening both Teel and Nyord presented to Deyda black pearls, but at the very moment Teel gave her the fifth pearl and she put it together with the four another one, they organized the solid one pearl and disappered. She was shocked and only at that moment upderstood that the pearl was magic, but couln't find it. The Magic pearl returned back to it's Owner. Inspite of it the pearl melt the frozen heart of Deyda when Nyord showed his pearl and she fall in love with him - the first time in her life! She suddenly thought about her real name - Percefona and smiled. Why I am hidding my real beautiful name? No more Deyda, I'm Persefona - this is my name given to me my mother Freya - she suddenly told Nyord, came and kissed him with a loved kiss. In a month there was a wedding in the village :)

Teel understood that he is unwanted here, he took his belongings and went to the trip. When he came back, he was free from passion to Deyda-Persefona, he was ready for another love, another girl, another life.

As for the Sly Groom, he was drived out from the village, because one witness saw how he burnt Nyord boat and told this fact to everybody. Since the time the truth was found out, he ran away and lived as a lonely shepherd on the bottom of the Great Apathetic Mountains.


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