Multi-Fandom Party

Mar 03, 2006 13:12

...aka my little fannish thought experiment.

Imagine, if you will, a potentially endless party, its only goal being to take one episode from each attender's chosen fandom and WATCH THEM ALL ( Read more... )

fannish, meme, request, favorite

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Comments 22

whitemartyr March 3 2006, 22:00:37 UTC
Buffy: "Passions"


jd3000 March 3 2006, 22:08:52 UTC
Obscure or not?

Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Final Sacrifice



izhilzha March 3 2006, 22:34:03 UTC
I knew you were going to pick MST3K.


jd3000 March 3 2006, 22:36:32 UTC
Dah. I was honestly thinking of tossing a QL or SG1 or even TNG onto the table, but that would have been too simple. Yes...they would have been expecting that....

We've got to get you in front of an MST3k ep one of these days. Maybe Hamlet...or better still a Manos or a Eegah!, just so you can appreciate how truly bad a film can be.



amberdulen March 4 2006, 00:45:46 UTC
Puma Man! Puma Man!


do I get to vote twice? whitemartyr March 3 2006, 22:16:34 UTC
The X-Files: "Pusher"


Re: do I get to vote twice? izhilzha March 3 2006, 22:34:27 UTC
Since you bring "Pusher," sure. ;-D


vertigozooropa March 3 2006, 22:17:01 UTC
Farscape: "Scratch 'N Sniff"


lizamanynames March 3 2006, 23:12:04 UTC
Blakes7: Gambit


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