Random minor venting

Feb 03, 2006 11:10

This is the only time I am ever going to say this, because I generally find it bad form to complain about the way people with opposite opinions express them--and complaining in that fashion about political views is enough to get one flame-broiled around LJ.

If you read this and flame me, I reserve the right to delete your comments. )

rant, politics

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whitemartyr February 3 2006, 22:54:42 UTC
I hope it wasn't my rant that made you write this. Because you know I try to be fair, it's just that sometimes I go a little nuts. :p


izhilzha February 3 2006, 23:04:33 UTC
I actually didn't read your rant. :-) It did inspire this, however, because it seems like all the liberals on LJ (who are the majority, apparently) post when they please about such things. I've always tried to kind of be "above" that, the way I do at work, but I've been wanting to say these three things since the election last year, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to just get them out of my system, once. *shrug*

You're Canandian, anyway; you get special dispensation where the US is concerned, which I would not extend to Americans who have no idea how their own government works. *eyeroll*


whitemartyr February 3 2006, 23:18:02 UTC
Ahh so you wanted to have your say. Good. I think you should. And you're right. It's not really fair when there's no answer. I hate war, but I don't have an answer for how to deal with terrorists. I won't pretend to think that just saying 'peace on earth' will help because peace on earth isn't gonna happen til Jesus returns, and even then won't come til a whole lot of baddies get burned. LOL. Mostly I'm just nervous about what I can see happening, as an outsider...and that is that it seems like the freedoms of Americans are being stripped away. And that makes me mad...and sad. Because I like many of the foundations and ideas that America was built on.


whitemartyr February 3 2006, 23:21:18 UTC
and Bush really, honestly, makes me nervous as a leader because he seems to be too easily influenced by others in government or the military and not enough of his own man. I don't know that all of this badness that's happening is his fault, I mean hey, it's rarely just one man that makes an empire fall (though sometimes it is). I just don't like what I see happening and how paranoid and fearful people are becoming, even if it's justifiable, because of actions taken by Bush's administration and militarily.


izhilzha February 3 2006, 23:51:12 UTC
I'm not even going to talk about Bush, because I don't want to argue with you.

I just don't like what I see happening and how paranoid and fearful people are becoming

I don't know where you're getting this, unless you mean the border stuff. I'm as annoyed as you are about the particular circumstance, but there is NOT an atmosphere of paranoia and fear in this country. If you wanted to see that, time warp back to 2001-02. THAT was fear. That was paranoia in the streets. We're adjusting now, and I hear less fear (except from extremes in both parties) now than I have for a while.

I seriously don't understand where this "OMG!Bush is keeping us chained in fear!!!11" thing is coming from--some Democrat politicians were spouting it the other night on the news. As far as I can see, it doesn't reflect basic, current American life. *shrug*

If you actually want to keep discussing this, let's take it to email. I didn't mean this post to be for political discussion, just the expression of a few annoyances.


rose_in_shadow February 4 2006, 00:29:31 UTC
Just to chime in for the eastern side of the US (Ohio!), there isn't any "atmosphere of fear" here either. THe Press really, REALLY distorts how life actually is and the way that day-to-day people live it.


whitemartyr February 4 2006, 00:56:11 UTC
You know, maybe it's from watching all the Canadian news...


whitemartyr February 4 2006, 02:08:09 UTC
I don't think that people are 'living in fear'...in their every day lives. At least not the smart ones. But there is a sense that the government/military is instilling a paranoia that is uncesessary, but which catches like wild-fire with people not a educated as you or I. Though maybe it's the people in government/military that are promoting/feeling the fear because they're the ones most likely to deal with scary things. I don't know.


izhilzha February 3 2006, 23:44:19 UTC
it seems like the freedoms of Americans are being stripped away.

You know what? I'm American, and I haven't noticed this yet. Don't think I don't keep a watch on my civil liberties, either; it's always been a fight here, to keep and expand and emend our freedoms. This is just a slightly tougher arena: the dicotomy between keeping our freedom and keeping our safety. There's a balance, but it's a razor's edge.

We got through worse during the Cold War, though.

I'm not that worried...yet.


whitemartyr February 3 2006, 23:48:25 UTC
I'm not that worried...yet.

Hee hee. Well I hope you're right. :) I'll shut up now.


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