Random minor venting

Feb 03, 2006 11:10

This is the only time I am ever going to say this, because I generally find it bad form to complain about the way people with opposite opinions express them--and complaining in that fashion about political views is enough to get one flame-broiled around LJ.

If you read this and flame me, I reserve the right to delete your comments. )

rant, politics

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Comments 23

kalquessa February 3 2006, 19:57:45 UTC
Dude, I know. I am not Bush's biggest fan in the whole wide world (I am more conservative than him, generally speaking), but it really is ridiculous the way he is portrayed as simultaneously dumb-as-a-rock and yet capable of complicated evil plans to make everyone everywhere unhappy. (Plus, he has storm powers! He caused Katrina, you know. I wish I had storm powers. That would be totally sweet.)


izhilzha February 3 2006, 22:18:44 UTC
it really is ridiculous the way he is portrayed as simultaneously dumb-as-a-rock and yet capable of complicated evil plans to make everyone everywhere unhappy.

*snicker* You put it so well. :-)

And that icon is milk-up-the-nose-worthy.


fpb February 4 2006, 07:10:00 UTC
Ah, but, you see, all those evil plans are put up to him by the evil neocons who lurk behind the throne. So it's all right really.


jd3000 February 3 2006, 20:48:22 UTC
"If you are not a liberal at 20, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative at 40, you have no brain." --Winston Churchill.

I'm just plainly tired of outright stupidity on both sides. By no means am I pointing to one entire group or even the majority of that group, but I am pointing to the small, vocal subsection, present since politics began, that is not fully aware of everything at stake, has no intention of learning and educating itself as to all sides, and whose sole duty is to promote their side by telling you everything about the opposition is wrong. We had/have our share on NitC. ScottN and I started calling them Dumb Young Activists. People who feel the strong need to get up and take action but with a blissful ignorance of how the system affects everyone.

I hate politics. It's an imperfect system by which imperfect people select more imperfect people in an attempt to produce a perfect society.



izhilzha February 3 2006, 22:23:44 UTC
*adores Winston Churchill*

Dumb Young Activist, mmm, yes. And then there are their counterparts, the Dumb Old Status-Quos. I'm aware, btw, that it isn't just the liberals who can be idiots about politics (far from it), but I've only heard liberals ascribe the other side's politics to straight-up stupidity, and actually mean it. *scratches head* It may just be the Los Angeles breed, though.

I hate politics. It's an imperfect system by which imperfect people select more imperfect people in an attempt to produce a perfect society.

Dude, JD. Go. Watch. Serenity. Now. A nice fictional image of the opposite. [I'm actually starting to think I might be Libertarian rather than Republican, hee.]


jd3000 February 3 2006, 20:50:45 UTC
And BTW, despite the non-ranting minor venting, good to see a Gen-u-wine Izhilzha Post (tm). Was thinking of using the Nudge feature, but figured you were busy and might not appreciate it. :-D



izhilzha February 3 2006, 22:24:18 UTC
busy and with an evil head cold, which is now clearing up (thank God).


rose_in_shadow February 3 2006, 21:44:50 UTC

I work in state government as one of the persons who answers the phones and listens to people complaining all the time. What I want to know is WHAT in the world are people learning about our government? Half of them think the Governor is some kind of king who can speak the word and give them their child support checks. The other half think he's the president with the power to make their social security disability go through faster. Doesn't anyone know what democracy and three separate branches of government mean?


Ahem. Sorry. This is your rant, not mine. Heh.


izhilzha February 3 2006, 22:25:45 UTC
Oh, no, rant away. Because seriously, I didn't take enough government or recent history in high school (or so I thought), and yet I seem to know so much more about it than a lot of other people. Or they just want someone to blame, and screw reality. Who'd want to be President, I ask you? :-P


lapinguina February 3 2006, 22:12:52 UTC
Even if I'm not personally conservative, I know some people who are that are very intelligent and always have valid things to say. You're one of them ( ... )


izhilzha February 3 2006, 23:56:36 UTC
Even if I'm not personally conservative, I know some people who are that are very intelligent and always have valid things to say. You're one of them. :)

Right back at ya, flipping the political leaning. :-)

I do have several intelligent liberal friends...and that's fine, because we can actually have discussions about it all. As opposed to people whom I know are intelligent in most areas, but who start foaming at the mouth when politics comes up. That, on either side, scares me.

IQ and political affiliation are independent variables ;)

I do love having Numb3rs fans on my flist. That's an excellent way of putting it.

when in reality the world would be so much better off if political dichotomies were just eliminated altogether...

*marches with picket sign* "End Partisan Politics! Save America!"

Yeah. I wish. :-)


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