I'm getting married!

Oct 01, 2011 08:24

In about 10 hours, I will be married to my own true love, the Faramir to my Eowyn, the Rory to my Amy.

See you all after the honeymoon! Don't break the internets while I'm gone! :)

romance, real life, wedding

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Comments 23

jhall1 October 1 2011, 17:52:07 UTC
Congratulations, and may you have many decades of married bliss.

Now I'm wondering how Faramir would get on with Amy or Rory with Eowyn. I suspect not well in either case. :)


ladymercury_10 October 1 2011, 17:57:13 UTC
But imagine Amy and Eowyn and Rory and Faramir. Amy and Eowyn would be bffs and have kick-butt adventures together, and Rory and Faramir would alternately commiserate over how their wives were just a bit crazy and share stories of how they were the luckiest men in the world. :D


jhall1 October 1 2011, 20:23:03 UTC
Oh, yes. I like that. It only remains to pair off Gandalf with the Doctor. :)


ladymercury_10 October 1 2011, 20:24:31 UTC
Indeed! :)


ladymercury_10 October 1 2011, 17:55:03 UTC
Wishing you a lovely wedding and a most excellent future together!


zubeneschamali October 1 2011, 18:20:20 UTC
Congratulations and may you enjoy your wonderful day!


feliciakw October 1 2011, 18:33:19 UTC
I'm sorry, wait. What? When did this happen?

Looks like I'm going to have to rearrange my afternoon to accommodate the event of the year decade century.

Seriously, though, congratulations. And thank you so much for allowing me to share in your special day. It's an honor.


aurora_novarum October 1 2011, 20:58:34 UTC
Congratulations. I hope you have a wonderful honeymoon.

*note to self. Wait until iz comes back to break the internets* :-D

Seriously, best wishes to you and yours!


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