This week's prompt from
fannish5 (which I haven't answered in a long time):
Five best signs of affection from one character to another.
1. The hug between Charlie and Larry in my icon. (Numb3rs, "Killer Chat")
2. The Jack O'Neill-Daniel Jackson "spacemonkey" hug. (SG-1, "The Serpent's Lair")
3. The Abydonians say farewell to Daniel, surrounding and touching him. (SG-1, pilot)
4. Sara touches Greg's hair, the only uninjured part of him (CSI, "Fannysmackin'")
5. The Doctor kisses Amy's forehead, presses his to hers (Doctor Who, "Time of Angels") OR Donna hugs the Doctor (end of "Midnight")
I may try to track down images to add to this post later. :)