
Apr 24, 2011 11:34

A fannish meme! Because it's been a while. Stolen from sallymn and lizbee:

Give me a character's name from a fandom I know, and I will say ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

knight_random April 24 2011, 20:46:16 UTC
Amy Pond


izhilzha April 24 2011, 21:03:48 UTC
1. I sometimes find her obnoxious or embarrassing, but she's spunky and fun, and I wish I were as comfortable in my skin as she seems to be. (Not sure I'd want to be like her in any other way, though *g*)

2. Rory. They're really my DW OTP, now. I could see her flirting with a lot of people, but really anything more than a snog or a one-night stand... it's got to be Rory.

3. The Doctor. Yep. I can't 'ship them, but they're fantastic together. Rose was the perfect companion for Nine; Amy is Eleven's perfect companion, imho. Or Amy + Rory.

4. I don't mind her short skirts. In fact, I didn't actually notice how short they were until someone pointed it out to me (except for the kissogram outfit). I don't think it's a slutty choice, or a misogynistic one, or any of those other flaily opinions people keep advancing. It's just how Amy likes to dress, and frankly, she dresses considerably more modestly than, say, Peri. So.

I want Amy to actually be pregnant and running around with ( ... )


knight_random April 26 2011, 02:15:22 UTC
Worryingly, I find I identify more with Amy than with Rory. I'm not exactly the most stable person in the world, I fear... I'm not half as assertive as her, though.

I'm so glad I don't have anything to do with the parts of fandom that get up in arms about Amy's skirts.

And I haven't had a chance to properly watch the new opener of Who. I don't have cable, as there hasn't been much new that I'm interested in on TV in a good long while. I'm beginning to think I might have to torrent it, something I normally never do.


sallymn April 24 2011, 22:52:23 UTC
Turn about is fair play... or not :)

Simon Banks.


izhilzha April 25 2011, 23:54:49 UTC
1. I like Simon a lot. He's gruff and long-suffering and the sort of man I would be proud to know, I think, in RL.

2. Wow, I'm not sure I have a 'ship for Simon. I liked that old flame of his in season 2. :)

3. I really like Simon's friendship with Jim. I used to go out of my way to find fics set before Jim's sense came online, in hopes that I'd get more of that friendship. There aren't many out there, sadly.

4. In canon, he does put up with a LOT of Sentinel weirdness. But I think that he's not as much of a pushover as some people seem to assume. Not even for Jim and Blair.

5. Re: #4: I would have liked to see Simon's forbearance with Sentinel and guide put through the wringer. He's an honest man, but there are limits to anyone's patience and good will--I really would have liked to see those tested to the point of cruelty.


scorptilicus April 25 2011, 04:24:32 UTC
Dr. Daniel Jackson


izhilzha April 27 2011, 02:49:33 UTC
1. I love Daniel. I had a crush on him in the movie, and then just liked him in the series. In RL we would get along, but we would argue all the time, and I would be his friend--never romantically interested in him ( ... )


persephone_kore April 25 2011, 18:43:49 UTC
Princess Leia.


Dude, I just realized I never did this one! izhilzha July 30 2011, 01:10:03 UTC
1. When I saw the SW film for the first time, I so badly wanted to be Leia. I begged my mom to help me make the cinnamon bun hairstyle, and grew my hair out really long so I could actually create it. I think Leia is strong, and a smart-ass, and incredibly bright and brave.

I still kind of hope to be Leia when I grow up, I think. :)

2. Leia/Han, all the way. No one else.

3. I really like where the Leia & Luke friendship went, once they'd cleared up that they were family. (that whole thing is much more squicky to me now than it was as a kid, lol) I especially love them together in the EU novels.

4. I don't think I have an unpopular opinion about this character! Wow, that's rare for me.

5. I wish that we'd gotten to see Leia start to come into her Jedi powers in the films. Even just a little bit. And I wish that in the EU novels, they'd given her a bit more scope in that area.


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