Christmas Wishes meme

Nov 27, 2009 11:20

It's that time of year again! I'm not flush this season, but hey, we are all in fandom, so I shall be trawling all your lists to see if there is anything I can fulfill anyway. :)

Instructions )

meme, request, christmas wishes

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Comments 12

kerravonsen November 27 2009, 20:26:15 UTC
(cringes at thought of photo of me)
No, you really don't want to look at my fat face.


izhilzha November 28 2009, 02:07:59 UTC
I'm not very photogenic myself, so I'll understand if that just doesn't work for you....but the request stands. :)


jd3000 November 27 2009, 20:40:48 UTC
1. My own coffee grinder (preferably a burr grinder, as I have heard less-than-complimentary things about the flat-blade grinders).

I've used a likely 20-year old flat-blade grinder for a long time, and have never had trouble or a bad grind. :-)



izhilzha November 28 2009, 02:08:43 UTC
Maybe they made them better back then? :) Thanks for the tip, dude!


whitemartyr November 27 2009, 22:26:35 UTC
Oh! I can send you a picture. I'll have to figure out where to print a pic. Are there any of mine that you like particularly?


izhilzha November 28 2009, 02:09:51 UTC
I don't know, there are so many! Pick one that's mostly you (i.e. not you and the TARDIS or anything) and send it--surprise me!


fpb November 27 2009, 22:32:58 UTC
Right, I have a copy of LMcMB's Memory in paperback if you want it. And if you really are masochist enough, you can have a picture of my face as well. Merry Christmas and happy New Year!


izhilzha November 28 2009, 02:12:44 UTC
Eee, thank you so much! I will message you the address to mail the book to. (I have a feeling the picture frame is filling up fast, but thank you for that offer as well.)

Merry Christmas!


feliciakw November 28 2009, 01:45:10 UTC
Dude. Coffee grinder is a done deal.

Aside: Geo uses our flat blade grinder on a regular basis, and he loves it.

(Kat, Marie, Felicia, Mistral, Kim, I am particularly looking at you. *g*)

*blink blink* *points to self* Me?


izhilzha November 28 2009, 02:07:01 UTC
I've only got one picture of you, silly. The one we took at King's Island. :)

Coffee grinder! (I dunno, it may just be the serious coffee snobs I know who swear by the burr grinders. I'd take anything that isn't going to wear out right away.)


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