Weird fannish late-night thoughts

Aug 20, 2009 00:51

So, being on a John Simm kick, I watched the end of Doctor Who's 3rd series. Just finished "The Last of the Time Lords" (which was actually better than I remembered, and this was the first time I'd seen it with the missing scenes cut back in--DVDs are awesome ( Read more... )

fannish, the sentinel, crossover, john simm, doctor who

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kerravonsen August 20 2009, 08:17:30 UTC
And now my brain is attempting to come up with some kind of way to mesh the two in an actual story.
(feeds plot bunny carrots)

Jim would notice odd things about the Doctor:
- strange double heartbeat
- lower body temperature
- odd smell?

I can't remember if Time Lord senses are supposed to be keener than human senses or not.


feliciakw August 20 2009, 11:43:36 UTC
They wouldn't really have to be if The Doctor and Jim had crossed paths before Jim's senses went on-line.

Or, heck, even before The Doctor and Jim met. I'm sure The Doctor would have come across sentinels at some point during his travels and could recognize one.

Turning to Blair, The Doctor (I'm thinking the 9th Doc), in all his Doctor-like enthusiasm, exclaims: "OH!!!! And you must be the guide! Brilliant!"

Sorry. As you were.


kerravonsen August 20 2009, 11:48:34 UTC
They wouldn't really have to be if The Doctor and Jim had crossed paths before Jim's senses went on-line.

I was thinking more along the lines of both the Doctor and Jim picking up on something that Blair didn't notice.

"OH!!!! And you must be the guide! Brilliant!"
(grin) He would. Though that sounds like the 10th Doctor; if it was the 9th Doctor he would have said "Fantastic!" instead. 8-)


feliciakw August 20 2009, 12:39:10 UTC
You're absolutely right. *facepalm* Oops. I'm getting my numbers mixed up. David Tennant. (I think I just like "9" as a number. :-) )

I even went through my DT intro eps to find the scene where he has problems with "fantastic." (Turns out it was a deleted scene. Which is a pity because it was hilarious.)

Of chorus, 9's FanTAStic would work, too.


izhilzha August 20 2009, 18:24:21 UTC
Turning to Blair, The Doctor (I'm thinking the 9th Doc), in all his Doctor-like enthusiasm, exclaims: "OH!!!! And you must be the guide! Brilliant!"

*laughs* Oh, my, yes. I can see that clearly. Poor Blair.

(Though, truly, I think I'd need to set this after SenToo; there's some stuff to play with, there.)


izhilzha August 20 2009, 18:22:42 UTC
Yeah, the Doctor would probably be pretty obvious to Jim, wouldn't he?

I'm assuming that Ten has, at least, enhanced taste--given how often we see him using it. ;)

Oh dear. I might actually try to write something.


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