Fanfic pet peeve

Jul 08, 2009 22:19

It's small, and since I don't read a lot of het, doesn't apply across the board, but ( Read more... )

fan fic, fandom, not-rant

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Comments 1

ficwriter1966 July 9 2009, 11:37:19 UTC
The spouse is present as a character in the story, and yet she (or he) is a nameless, faceless...thing? Is that what you mean? Yeah, I suppose that would be kinda odd.

I've done it a time or two in my Hope Verse - I'm thinking specifically of the story where Sam's son is born. I did say just "your wife" there, because at the time I *didn't* know who she was, didn't want to use up a lot of time thinking about it, and she was definitely offscreen. The point of the story was that Sam was terrified about being a father, so I let her just be a cipher there. (I did fill in the blanks in another story, later on.) I guess it would depend on how it's handled, whether it would bug me as a reader or not.


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