Feb 04, 2009 21:09


Those of you who watched Babylon 5 know where my username came from, but I've never managed to snag myself a B5 icon until now. mosinging1986 is watching the show for the first time, and I saw this and squeed, so she told me where to find it. Thanks, iconsbycurtana!

glee, babylon 5, gip!, icons

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Comments 9

mosinging1986 February 5 2009, 05:18:31 UTC
Hee! Icon twins!

I get part of your name, but why the different part? Or is that still super sekrit for me?

Dude, I need to get back to watching my show. All this TV is wearing me out.


izhilzha February 5 2009, 05:23:19 UTC
It's a phonetic spelling--I'm pretty sure by now you've heard my name. In the show (ie the novels) it's spelled isilzha with an apostrophe that I can't remember now. It's the name of the stone in the Ranger insignia ("birth, beginnings, the dawn of a new age"), and I'm pretty sure Marcus explains it at some point. Or someone does.

*g* I'm a nerd, yes. A Minbari word-nerd to boot.


mosinging1986 February 5 2009, 05:28:56 UTC
Oh! I was getting it confused with entil2001's name, which I freaked out when I heard it on the show. (It's like seeing someone that you know on TV. 'Looky! I know them!')

Well, darn. Maybe they did say this already and I missed it. Now I'm going to have to start all over!


Just kidding. I'll get through the first run, um, first.


izhilzha February 5 2009, 05:39:10 UTC
I thought maybe that was it! Cause Entil'zha sounds kind of similar--that's the title of the Ranger leader, right? Sinclair and now Delenn?

I would have guessed that isilzha would have come up pretty early in our acquantance with the Rangers, or in a conversation with someone who wants to know more about them (the King Arthur ep, or something like that). Now I'm gonna be annoyed till I figure this out!


whitemartyr February 5 2009, 14:27:09 UTC
that is a fantastic quote!!


tree_and_leaf February 5 2009, 16:33:05 UTC
Oh, that's what it is. I wondered if it was a word from some First Nations language or other *is vaguely embarrassed*


izhilzha February 5 2009, 21:56:29 UTC
*g* Someone asked me if it was Aztec, once. Have you ever watched B5?


tree_and_leaf February 5 2009, 22:33:51 UTC
No, alas.


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