Birthday fic for feliciakw!

Jan 27, 2009 09:48

I wasn't sure I'd manage anything for you this year, my dear, though I had planned to. But the muse, she had an idea, so I just went along for the ride.

Title: Hunted to Hunter
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG
Spoilers: "Monster Movie"
Type: het *g*

Hunted to Hunter )

feliciakw, b-day, my fics, fanfic, supernatural

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Comments 19

feliciakw January 27 2009, 18:01:01 UTC
*blink, blink*

There? You're gonna stop there?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Aw, man.

*tries to hide silly grin*

*realizes there's no one else around*

*grins sillily*

Thanks so much, hon. Fic is a perfect gift.

his gorgeous (confident, sexy) mouth

Just for the record? His lips were totally made for kissing. I'm just sayin'. ;-)

*dances for the gift fic*


And I miss you too, hon. Like whoa.



izhilzha January 27 2009, 18:36:52 UTC
Come on, you actually think I could take this much further? *g*

Yay, you like it! I'm so glad! (It was loads of fun to write. And for the record, I agree with your assessment of the kissable lips.)



feliciakw January 28 2009, 17:38:30 UTC
Question: Is Dean still in his liederhosen for this scene? Because, dude, you totally need to continue this. Bwah!


izhilzha January 28 2009, 18:08:06 UTC
LOL! That did not even occur to me. Jamie's kind of wrapped up in her own head in this fic (kissable mouth notwithstanding), and clearly it hasn't really bothered her.


kalquessa January 27 2009, 18:14:26 UTC

*expires and dies from the awesome*


izhilzha January 27 2009, 18:37:35 UTC
Yay! I wrote fic that people like (I do get worried when I branch out, sometimes, but wow, this was fun)! *g*


kalquessa January 27 2009, 19:33:27 UTC
I am still so amused that you actually wrote something so het. And that it was great and worked perfectly because you are amazing.


izhilzha January 27 2009, 19:56:54 UTC
LOL. Well, who knows, maybe I will write more het after this. *g* (I still feel weird about it, given my lack of experience, but this was altogether too much fun, so.)

ETA: dude, I just saw that you recc'd this fic! Thank you so much! *smishy hugs*


mistraltoes January 27 2009, 19:44:05 UTC
Oh. That's very good. Way to reframe an experience!


izhilzha January 27 2009, 19:58:49 UTC
I'm glad you liked it, despite not being an SPN watcher. :) The reason I wrote this was definitely because of that capacity to reframe the experience--it's there in the episode, but not explored at all. I love writing fic like this.


tahirire January 27 2009, 20:31:12 UTC
*can't stop giggling*



Love :-)


izhilzha January 27 2009, 22:32:02 UTC
Aw, thank you! Very glad you liked it and it made you giggle! :)


leelust January 28 2009, 07:47:55 UTC
Oy, i didn't know it's her birthday!
Sorry and happy birthday to the girl!!!

But this was good, very good twist and Dean is a good schrink, you know... i like it very much.


izhilzha January 28 2009, 19:40:03 UTC
Hee, Dean is apparently a good shrink when he's about to get laid. I liked Jamie, so when Felicia said she'd like to see some Dean/Jamie, that clicked with my muse. Glad you liked it!


leelust January 31 2009, 16:54:52 UTC
I'd say he's often has good judgement on people but when it comes to getting laid he's just awesome schrink :)


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