Thanksgiving Day

Nov 27, 2008 08:38

Oh give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name;
Make known His deeds among the peoples.
Sing to Him, sing praises to Him;
Speak of all His wonders.
Glory in His holy name;
Let the heart of those who seek the LORD be glad.
Seek the LORD and His strength;
Seek His face continually.
Psalm 105:1-4

There are many things I am thankful for, and some of them are kind of new this year. Some, of course, are not.

(not an Exhaustive List)

--My health. I know that many people fall ill under stress; I've done it myself in the past. So I am beyond grateful that I've stayed well the past year.

--That I am no longer at my old job.

--That unemployment hasn't run out yet. *g*

--For my friends, everyone who has been there for me this past year, even when I wasn't the best sort of company. You know who you are.

--For my LiveJournal community, all of you: fannish discussions, fic, essays, random deep or humorous thoughts, those are things that help me keep my sanity and perspective.

--That I have people to be with on this celebratory day.

--Hot water for showers! (No, I will never not be thankful for that.)

--A house in a beautiful neighborhood. Only rented, but I don't care.

--That I was able to finish and submit a script this year, when I didn't think I could possibly make the deadline.

--The rain that fell yesterday!

--My family, though they are not here.

--My ability to write; to think; to explain things in words.

--Books. (Connie Willis. Yes.)

--That God is good, even when my world seems like it's going to pieces. And that I can know that, even when I'm so far down in the dumps I wonder if I'll ever get out.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

lj, fandom, real life, gratitude, godstuff, friendship, family

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