This time, with selections from
My friend
jd3000 made this for me after the first time I got myself ranted at on a community by someone of a...severely differing opinion. It made me feel better, though I rarely use it, since I don't normally enjoy fighting online. I believe the quote is from Voltaire.
One of the most beautiful icons I have. Took my breath away when I saw it on a community. I don't use it often, because the text is technically spoilery for a moment in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows--one of my favorite moments. Also because the implications of that moment don't lend themselves to use in my daily life, really. *g*
I love this genre of icons: the "picture will not display" stand-in image with some kind of cocky or amusing explanation for the absence. I snagged this during my first trawl through the Internets for Supernatural icons, but I love it because it's general enough to use in other contexts as well.
This is an image from the end of the Homicide: Life on the Streets movie; the hands belong to Bayliss and Pembleton, and if you've seen it, you know what a climactic moment this is. I use this one when I talk about H:LotS, or when I talk about writing cop shows; if I thought more people would recognize it, I'd use it when talking about emotional intensity in fiction, but that's a little obscure.
dodger_winslow makes some great icons. This is basically my version of a "WTF?" icon. Isn't the eyebrow action fantastic? The kid is Ben Braeden from a season 3 ep of SPN.
Oh, and if you want to play....
Meme instructions:
1. Reply to this post and I will pick five of your icons
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose if you damn well feel like it.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.