SPN meta and reactions to ep 4.03

Oct 08, 2008 10:02

Needless to say, people, SPOILERS ABOUND for the first 3 episodes, and there is speculation on further storyline direction. So beware!

A few general reactions )

writing, tv, review, supernatural, godstuff, meta

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Comments 11

brianrubin October 8 2008, 17:21:07 UTC
All very valid points, but honestly, I have faith in Kripke and crew that they'll treat the whole God and Angels thing with the respect and fear that it kinda deserves, and take us all for an awesome ride in the process. :)


izhilzha October 8 2008, 18:17:48 UTC
We'll see. I'm good with the first 2 eps, just not at all sure where they're headed. Given that this show gave us "Faith" and "Houses of the Holy," I'm also inclined to fall on the side of trusting the creators.


brianrubin October 8 2008, 18:20:03 UTC
To be honest, I don't know if ANYONE knows where they're headed besides the show people themselves, and I like it that way. :)


kalquessa October 8 2008, 17:35:28 UTC
So basically "yes" to all of this. Though I really like the idea that dean was really there and still couldn't change anything for some reason. Maybe because the whole deterministic theory of time-travel has always appealed to me on many levels, and also because there's more room for angsty short fic if Dean really traveled in time rather than dreaming all of this. Gives a whole different color to that moment in "Home" when Mary's ghost walks up to him and just says "Dean."

Re. your three points about the whole Good/Evil thing and how it could play out: PLEASE TO BE PAYING ATTENTION, KRIPKE!!


izhilzha October 8 2008, 18:20:11 UTC
pssst. Do you read dotfic's meta/reviews? She made a post about John in 4.03 and mentioned how he tries to be the mediator between Samuel and Mary near the end of the ep. Your icon made me think of this. Perhaps Dean did get some of that from his Dad rather than Mary?

I just...I really have a hard time buying the time travel. And I'm still not buying the Impala backstory. *cross with Kripke & Co* I would prefer it to be a sort-of dream.


feliciakw October 8 2008, 18:24:08 UTC
mentioned how he tries to be the mediator between Samuel and Mary near the end of the ep. Your icon made me think of this. Perhaps Dean did get some of that from his Dad rather than Mary?

Oh, and, see, I thought he totally got that from Grandma Deanna, who seemed to always be the mediator between Samuel and Mary.

Also, re: the time travel . . . I don't know if it was a "dream" per se, but I'm convinced that Dean's being there didn't. Change. ANYTHING. People who are still around who lived through it (if there is any such person left) remember it the way it originally happened. Only Dean remembers his participation, because he needed to experience it to believe it.

*nods* That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.


kalquessa October 8 2008, 18:36:27 UTC
Oh, and, see, I thought he totally got that from Grandma Deanna, who seemed to always be the mediator between Samuel and Mary.

That's definitely what I got out of those few scenes of the three Campbells, but I can sorta see the John thing, too. Of course, Deanna's more effective than Dean because she's mediating between someone she's married to and someone she gave birth to. poor Dean does not have that kind of weight to throw around when the need arises.


feliciakw October 8 2008, 18:22:16 UTC
and the fact that Dean was brought back from Hell so God’s forces wouldn’t have to step in and smite Sam? Is kind of awesome.

Not so much "kind of awesome" as EXTREMELY AWESOME! In more ways than I can articulate.

The rest of it is pretty much "word." And I still can't wrap my brain around this young!John being an early incarnation of the character JDM created. Even if he was "a naive civilian" (Samuel's words, to be fair, not Mary's), he's not a civilian. Yes, in the hunting community, he's uninformed and uninitiated, but he's a former Marine, for crying out loud! Which we all no came in handy when he did start venturing in to the hunt.

Sorry. Didn't mean to rant all over your LJ. I just wish that that particular part of the ep was better acted and directed . . . you know?


leelust October 9 2008, 06:38:41 UTC
OK, finally :) 'was good to read.
It's hard to sum up my thoughts about your thoughts in english bit i'll try.
I wrote a post a while ago about my glee over Eric Kripke’s take on the show’s “seeming absence of good.”I was first to Yay! for this Kripke concept but i learn long time ago that with this show it's delivery not the concept tiself - they often take very mediocre themes and deliver them good enough to say Oh ( ... )


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