Meme time!

Aug 27, 2008 21:25

Because I haven't done one properly in a while. I may or may not answer these promptly (at the moment I am wasting time--I should be upstairs working on my script), but this looked far too fun to pass up.

Stolen from lizamanynames (and modified just slightly):

Pick a fandom and I will tell you who I would ( Read more... )

lj, fandom, meme, request, silly, flist

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Comments 17

astrogirl2 August 28 2008, 05:00:21 UTC
Doctor Who!


I would.... izhilzha August 28 2008, 21:41:41 UTC
Mmm, I might have to limit this to New Who, because the only other era I sort-of know is a stretch of Seventh Doctor novels. Anyway.

...bake cupcakes for: Donna's grandfather. :-) with the keys to my car: Martha.
...put thumbtacks on their chair: The Master. He'd never know it was me! And I'd have a camera in the room so I'd have footage of him jumping sky-high.
...have a crush on: The Doctor. (Nine.)
...pack up and leave if they moved next door: The Slitheen. for President: Does a Prime Minister count? Cause Harriet Jones was pretty awesome.
...pick as my partner in a buddy movie: Donna Noble. If anyone could help me enjoy adventure, it'd be her.
...pair up: Donna and her "imaginary" husband from Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. off the island and into the volcano: The Daleks. Just be dead already!
...wheedle into fixing my MP3 player: The Doctor. (Ten!) With his sonic screwdriver, thank you. :-)


Re: I would.... astrogirl2 August 28 2008, 22:20:24 UTC
Harriet Jones totally counts. :) And excellent answers all! Except that the Daleks are simply incapable of dying for good...


maevebran August 28 2008, 05:11:55 UTC


I would.... izhilzha August 28 2008, 05:28:08 UTC
...bake cupcakes for: Henri, because he'd actually appreciate them. with the keys to my car: Vincent! (I almost said Zoe, but she really doesn't have enough driving time logged yet. /eldest child snobbery)
...put thumbtacks on their chair: Eva Thorne. Poisoned thumbtacks.
...have a crush on: Jack Carter. At least for while, I would.
...pack up and leave if they moved next door: Taggert. for President: Henri! :-)
...pick as my partner in a buddy movie: Jo, naturally. With her common sense and her guns. Yep.
...pair up: As cute as I find Jack's crush on Allison, I'm going to have to go with Allison/Stark. I'm exactly the right sort of person to love the non-sappy sappiness of them getting back together and trying to get married a second time. *wipes a tear* off the island and into the volcano: Am I allowed to say Eva Thorne again?
...wheedle into fixing my MP3 player: Fargo, of course. (Although this could really be anyone in Eureka. Except Zane, because I am suspicious of him in a "you amusingly ( ... )


Re: I would.... maevebran August 28 2008, 05:38:41 UTC
I totally agree about Eva Thorne and yes you can chose her twice. As for the rest, I'm torn between Allison/Jack and Nathan/Allison but other than that I agree completely.=)


kalquessa August 28 2008, 05:53:11 UTC


I would.... izhilzha August 28 2008, 23:07:14 UTC
...bake cupcakes for: Whichever of the team is in the infirmary *this* week. with the keys to my car: Walter.
...put thumbtacks on their chair: Freakin' Kinsey. All his chairs, everywhere; I would have his cleaning staff paid off to do this.
...have a crush on: Jack O'Neill. A huge and totally unrequited crush that lasts for years.
...pack up and leave if they moved next door: Ba'al. Because Mr. Live Among Humans might actually decide that L.A. is a good place to live, and while he may be pretty, Goa'uld neighbor = DO NOT WANT. for President: General this not the most obvious thing ever? (Running mate: Jacob Carter/Selmak. *g*)
...pick as my partner in a buddy movie: Janet Fraiser!
...pair up: *struggles with self* Daniel/Vala. Cause if he's ever going to get serious about anyone other than Sha're, she's going to have to be VERY different. off the island and into the volcano: Tok'ra Barbie! (aka Anise/Freya)
...wheedle into fixing my MP3 player: Sam could do it. Heck, I bet Siler could ( ... )


Re: I would.... scionofgrace August 29 2008, 01:30:06 UTC
Love your answers. I agree with all of them except the "crush", which for me would be Daniel.

Daniel/Vala was shown as viable and believable in "Unending," and I would love it. Their relationship in Season 10 is fascinating, and it kills me that cancellation means it'll probably never happen.


sallymn August 28 2008, 09:01:51 UTC


I would.... izhilzha August 29 2008, 20:13:07 UTC
...bake cupcakes for: Don and his entire team (Megan, Colby, David...oh all right, and Liz), because they need munchies for brain power and because it would earn me lots of points with them. *g* with the keys to my car: Alan strikes me as thoroughly responsible and less likely to be distracted than the academic or FBI agents.
...put thumbtacks on their chair: Liz.
...have a crush on: Dr. Larry Fleinhardt, although I would never act on it because he's taken. I would just pine away in solitude. *sigh*
...pack up and leave if they moved next door: Prof. Ray-Ray (I'll green up my own house, thank you). for President: Someone said Millie Finch, and I've gotta agree with that.
...pick as my partner in a buddy movie: Megan!
...pair up: Megan/Larry until the stars fall from the sky. off the island and into the volcano: I'm not sure there's anyone I hate that much. Hmmm.
...wheedle into fixing my MP3 player: It would be amusing to watch Charlie try, but I think Amita might have a better shot at actually fixing it.


ladybrick August 28 2008, 15:07:47 UTC


I would.... izhilzha September 1 2008, 17:08:47 UTC
...bake cupcakes for: Wash, though I have a feeling they would be pilfered by Jayne and by Mal before I could get them from the galley to the cockpit. with the keys to my car: Zoe, hands down.
...put thumbtacks on their chair: Badger. So annoying.
...have a crush on: Mal. *is shallow*
...pack up and leave if they moved next door: The Operative. for President: Zoe. :-) And Wash would make a great First Husband.
...pick as my partner in a buddy movie: River. Because she can shoot, and is psychic, and can kill people with her brain. Yep. (If not River, then Book.)
...pair up: Don't need to pair anyone up when the adorable marriage of Zoe/Wash is going on. They're one of my favorite canon pairings in any fandom. off the island and into the volcano: The entire Alliance secret military.
...wheedle into fixing my MP3 player: Kaylee. Duh. *g*


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