I realize that this is silly and slightly childish, but....

Feb 17, 2007 10:13

I'm going to do it anyway. Because I'm bored. :-)

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meme, questions, friendship

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Comments 14

whitemartyr February 17 2007, 18:37:39 UTC
Oops. I clearly don't test well. I know a couple of ones that I got wrong, after I pressed submit I was like 'NO! AGH!'

I feel as if I failed... *mopes*


whitemartyr February 17 2007, 22:07:08 UTC
See this makes no sense. How can I possibly be the lowest? :(


izhilzha February 18 2007, 05:40:06 UTC

You're not the lowest anymore, go look. And you're still in the top 25%, which means you know me well. (And you know that if I'd asked really personal questions that you'd probably top out, so stop it, silly... *g*)


ladybrick February 17 2007, 21:10:50 UTC
I feel weird and stalkeresque >.>


jd3000 February 18 2007, 05:21:08 UTC
Me too, and I've never even met her!!



izhilzha February 18 2007, 17:46:33 UTC


jd3000 February 18 2007, 17:56:29 UTC
It's just my weird data-retention ability.

Didn't help me when the time came to shock you with who Observer was. ;-)



jhall1 February 17 2007, 22:15:34 UTC
Jane Eyre, Emily Bronte

I can guarantee that you have never read this book, because it does not exist. :)

I did your test, but then at the end it wanted me to create an account, and I didn't want to do that. So I don't know how I would have scored, but I suspect very poorly.


kerravonsen February 18 2007, 04:07:47 UTC


izhilzha February 18 2007, 17:48:00 UTC
*sporfle* I actually have read Jane Eyre, but I was like 10, and I always get the Bronte sisters mixed up.


tomh1138 February 19 2007, 22:40:33 UTC
Heh. 66? I guess I still have some learning to do about you. :)

Of course, no test is perfect. I took a test for a friend of mine that I've known for 20 years. I got a 40 on her test! A 40!

With her test, she asked a lot of questions about things that have happened in the last couple of years, when we haven't talked as much. In your case, ironically, you asked a lot of questions about your past, whereas I only got recent questions about you right.

I guessed your first online fandom was QL. So what was it really? Star Trek?

P.S. Don't forget to try my test now. :)


feliciakw February 17 2007, 22:31:30 UTC
I apparently know you better than I thought, because, had I gone with my gut instinct, I would have gotten right one of the ones I missed. And while I still would have gotten the other one wrong, I was taking into account the nuances of each optionn and how they relate (in other words, I could have given an essay answer, rather than the multiple choice *g*).

So there ya go. :-)


scorptilicus February 27 2007, 01:00:27 UTC
You've touched on a lot, if not all, of those questions in this journal. That definitely makes it one of the easier "friend" quizzes I've taken online.


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