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The End Ahead, the Enemy Behind izhilzha January 20 2007, 01:28:40 UTC
note: hey, two for the price of one! hopefully this doesn't suck completely, since i've never written rodney before; and i didn't look up the puddlejumpers to see if they work like i've written them or not. um. enjoy!


Jack O’Neill twisted around in the jumper’s pilot seat, so he could glare at the figure crouching in the back. “And you didn’t think to tell me this?”

The figure let out a sound somewhere between a huff and sigh. “It’s not like it would have made a difference, would it?” Rodney McKay glanced over his shoulder, and then his eyes widened. “And it’ll be a moot point entirely if you don’t watch where we’re flying ( ... )


Re: The End Ahead, the Enemy Behind lizamanynames January 20 2007, 01:38:27 UTC
Fear not, your Rodney voice was perfect. I love this so very very much, though part of me is feeling so very bad for Sam... god, I wonder what her reaction to this would be.


Re: The End Ahead, the Enemy Behind izhilzha January 20 2007, 01:55:47 UTC
Yay! I am glad you like! :-)

Why is it so much fun to write deathfics? Seriously...

I think Sam's reaction would be to go into denial/shock for like two weeks. And then I'm not sure *what* would happen to her. *hugs this AU Sam*


Re: The End Ahead, the Enemy Behind kalquessa December 27 2007, 21:34:38 UTC
I missed this when it was originally posted...so glad you post links to all your fic at the end of each year. Because this cracked me up. Great Rodney and Jack banter. There should really be more of than in canon.


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