My Finish-a-thon story, HP/CSI: What Is Truth?

Oct 27, 2006 15:19

Author's Note of Warning: I did not do well with this one. I did a lot of research and backstory stuff, but the actual story stands right now at about 2,300 words, and that's not even 1/5 of the story, I don't think ( Read more... )

ficathon, csi, harry potter, writing, crossovers

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Comments 4

rose_in_shadow October 28 2006, 01:13:17 UTC
This is great! More?

The characters seem spot on and the initial weirdness of picturing CSI folks with wands quickly disappeared since you've written them so well. I could hear the actor's voices saying their lines.

Random thought that popped into my mind: would they be likely to run into some pompus ministry person preaching about how whatever they see in the Dept. of Mysteries is Sooper Sekrit (tm)?


izhilzha October 28 2006, 19:42:01 UTC
The characters seem spot on and the initial weirdness of picturing CSI folks with wands quickly disappeared since you've written them so well. I could hear the actor's voices saying their lines.

Yay! I was going for that--kill the weirdness by making it clear these are still our CSI people. :-)

Random thought that popped into my mind: would they be likely to run into some pompus ministry person preaching about how whatever they see in the Dept. of Mysteries is Sooper Sekrit (tm)

*g* That would be telling.

But I certainly wouldn't rule it out.


kerravonsen October 29 2006, 01:49:28 UTC
Cool! You've definitely got to finish this. You really got the atmosphere.


izhilzha October 29 2006, 04:28:55 UTC
Why, thanks. :-) Once I got started, it felt pretty natural, actually. Go figure. I'm definitely planning to finish it--just not quite sure when. :-) [As an aside, I've really been wanting to work on some of my original writing lately, so I may have to limit my ficcing more than I have lately. We'll see. This one is too much fun to let go, though. WAY too much fun. *g*]


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