Natural logic

Oct 12, 2012 19:43

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"Taking into account the above we will continue our way to the next statement. But stop. We aren`t moving anywhere physically - just reading the lines of this barely tangled text. There is no way we`re walking onto! So, that is a story itself: in spite of poor English, this essay is stuffed with metaphors, which conceptualize the reality in some creative way, allowing the reader not to switch to another more fact-to-fact polished essay. George Lakoff and Mark Johnson wrote a book in the very same way in late 70s - ‘Metaphors We Live By’. American linguist and philosopher both were attracted by the idea that metaphor isn`t just a stylistic method or a linguistic phenomenon, but a cognitive fact. With it we expand empirical frontiers in the process of our thinking, conquering the territory with new abstract concepts. ‘The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another’- tells the book. The theory given by Lakoff and Johnson blew humanitarian scientific world thirty years ago and the blast wave still goes on. So the conclusions may lead us far away from basics of cognitive linguistics to visual arts for example. In semiotic terms according to Yuri Lotman we are able to operate with visual arts as if it were text, decoding its imaging language in terms of natural language. But this process is reversible, which makes possible to construct any types of interpretations slightly depending on the context. Metaphor here may serve as a key instrument for transformation. Narrowing the dimensions of options that have just opened before us, we can examine a political metaphor: it has direct bound with the conceptual system, it is used as weapon of power and politics and it always marks its influence during the communicative act. This multimodality represents political metaphor in the capacity of a child from big family - language, cognition, society and culture. Such attitude is easy to apply working on exhibitional projects, especially performative, where the most of attention is focused on new forms in the space of meaning.

Summing up, the whole text given is just a part of a story motivated with a causality of human language in somewhat early Wittgenstein style. It comes naturally possessing its own immanent logic. The frames are set and the rest comes into form according to them. It`s the attitude that the author turns into practice."

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