Оригинал взят у tbv в Немного о нашей жизни КАЖДЫЙ РАЗ - каждый раз, читатель! - когда я начинаю выебываться как ненормальный (пуристам - выделываться), насчет моих продаж на киндле
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Вот что ответил Amazon на вопрос о книгах на русском. Как же их загружают?
«I understand that you would like to make your Kindle title available in Russian. We are continually working to expand the number of languages available to our worldwide customers, but we are not yet able to publish titles in Russian on KDP. Complex characters in your content may not convert well because it's difficult for optical character recognition systems like our KDP converter to interpret a language we do not support at this time. Therefore, although the Kindle Store supports books in this language, we (KDP) haven't yet built tools to publish it yet. To find all of the languages supported by KDP, please visit: https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishing/help?topicId=200673300 Also, be sure to check our forums periodically for updates on newly supported languages: https://kdp.amazon.com/community As for other platforms you can use to make your content available in Russian, Amazon doesn't endorse or recommend any company over the other. Therefore, I suggest doing a Google search to find results for platforms that will allow you to make your ebook available in Russian on the Amazon websites. I'm sorry for this language limitation at this time, we'll definitely consider your input as we plan further improvements».
В общем, советуют искать платформу, которая позволяет это сделать. Прелестно! И это в то время, когда для того, чтобы положить книжку на русском в iBooks Store, достаточно 5 минут. Через 1-2 часа она уже будет в магазине. Даже в выходные дни.
«I understand that you would like to make your Kindle title available in Russian.
We are continually working to expand the number of languages available to our worldwide customers, but we are not yet able to publish titles in Russian on KDP.
Complex characters in your content may not convert well because it's difficult for optical character recognition systems like our KDP converter to interpret a language we do not support at this time. Therefore, although the Kindle Store supports books in this language, we (KDP) haven't yet built tools to publish it yet.
To find all of the languages supported by KDP, please visit: https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishing/help?topicId=200673300
Also, be sure to check our forums periodically for updates on newly supported languages: https://kdp.amazon.com/community
As for other platforms you can use to make your content available in Russian, Amazon doesn't endorse or recommend any company over the other. Therefore, I suggest doing a Google search to find results for platforms that will allow you to make your ebook available in Russian on the Amazon websites.
I'm sorry for this language limitation at this time, we'll definitely consider your input as we plan further improvements».
В общем, советуют искать платформу, которая позволяет это сделать. Прелестно!
И это в то время, когда для того, чтобы положить книжку на русском в iBooks Store, достаточно 5 минут. Через 1-2 часа она уже будет в магазине. Даже в выходные дни.
Ну как её найти?!!
Да и цена, которую нельзя уменьшить. Кто её купит, если в iBooks Store в электронном виде она продаётся за $2.99.
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