Oct 25, 2006 06:12
Ugh... haven't been able to post much, mainly due to me being lazy, homework, and stuff...
If anyone knows how much iron affects the polarization of light in seawater.. please give me a heads up.. thanks...
Anyways, besides the fact of the ham juice incident to my DS a few weeks back. I've been graced by a friend's kindness, he's letting me borrow his DS mainly due to that he only has one game on it that he doesn't play much anyways. Besides that, been playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue for a while until well.. stopped... cause my dad loaded games on the emu(Yay for DS 'hacking/pirating') Deliciousness of Magical Starsign has captivated me, causing me to name the six characters.. after 5 friends, (main being me and all..)
~DW, a rabbit that uses wind.
~Sael, he's a damn robot that uses earth(Found him on the ground missing his head...).
And those I haven't found yet..
~Navil(Mike, if you remember the whole Shinmegumi Tensei Nocturne naming the main guy experience..) fire guy
~Polarus, he's a damn lizard using forest magic.
~Aoi, after Elaine cause she seems.. watery...
Children of Mana is also on the emu. I'm SOOOO tempted to play it.. but I must remind myself not to juggle three games(including Okami which I'm struggling to finish and not have one of my habbits of getting to the last boss/stage/half and stopping). Also.. Mike bought/pre-ordered it for me. Get it next week hopefully.. a day or so AFTER MY FRIGIN RESEARCH PROPOSAL DEADLINE! ... Fun times. Oh.. I have an essay on the day before the proposal is dued... I guess it could count as a reward to staying alive this long.
In other news unrelated to happy video games fun time and school death sentence. I got a B on my psych AP test! :3 I think I got a B on the last one too.. but before that.. a C.. and the first one.. a D....
I wish I could raise my test grades like that for my Bio class.. D: God.. BioAP(taught by Beatty)=Death. Then again.. must be harder on those taking Chem AP...
D< I envy you Lauren! ENVY YOU!!!!
Oh.. and a funny side-dish. In my Japanese class, we basically had to write a skit and present it in class with groups we formulate ourselves. Amy, Paul, Anshu, and me. Seeing as a certain potential reader knows Anshu is.. Indian.. well.. let's just say we choose our store to be.. 7-11. Also, for kicks.. I make Anshu say his... well.. you know..(well.. one or two of you do..)
And through the turns of months.. and the slow and steady growth.. I've come to accept my current condition/status. Shall my mind me concentrated on my studies for the remaining educational years of my life.
(This not referring to gaming or hanging out with friends.. >> <<)