Ah... finished registration today... I kinda noticed.. I stood in a line for two hours mainly starring off into space.. cause... no one I knew was around... though Laine and Porifra were in the line next to mine... damn my last name starting with L.. *Sobs*
D: I saw meh friends.... DW, Mike, Sael, and I think Brandon... in the line WAY across from me on the other side. >.> They didn't look over so they.. ofcourse.. didn't see me.
Plus I forgot my cellphone...
Oh.. I also ran into my friend who's an angry korean... sadly... I forgot her name.. i.i my memory....
But before registration, there was sleep, right? And during sleep.. there are dreams...
I think I've played too much Dirge of Cerberus and obsessed over Reeve a bit 'too' much.
Reason being: I had a dream I got him to wear a short flaring red dress... though it was a happy dream that made me smile. There was laughter... and everything after that was vague.
Another dream I had during the summer, was a horrid nightmare yet action thing. As you, the reader, my friend, must know.. I'm afraid of spiders. I had a dream that these giant spiders took over my house.. yet my house wasn't the house it is now.. but the one back in Florida. Cept the second floor wasn't built, and it was large wooden beams and such. I used my dad's shotgun to hopefully take care of the ones in the house.. the one on the ceiling bit my cat, Nemo, and I blew it's fucking head open. I remember crying over my cat... I went outside to the pool area to find it someone changed into a lake, a lone boat floated on the water with a metal pool cleaning net in it. I used that to go across the lake, but upwards towards the sky was the netted ceiling of an inclosed pool area. I found the mother spider and remembered fighting it... then I woke up.
Oh, I got Dirge of Cerberus (*Coughs*ModdedPS2*Coughs*), and beat it today... it was beautiful.. nice story and all.. cept the boss battles were easy.. I had more trouble with the frikin snipers then the bosses.
Heh... school starts next week, no sign of him.. sometimes I wonder if I'll be forever stuck in that cycle of drifting away.. even when I avoided it beginning high school year... it happened.. and.. well.. yeah...
A little fun thing to read and present to those who did read my LJ, though.. if you're one of the few that this already cycled to, I'm sorry. ^^;