Repost. A picspam for challenge eight over at
picspammy - Reasons to ....
15. because their height difference is adorable.
My favorite part about their height difference is that it's magical and it changes in every episode, pretty much. Sometimes Brooke it way taller, sometimes she's only a little bit taller, sometimes they're the same height and sometimes Haley is even taller [though that's very rare]. Logically, it would depend on what wardrobe has on their feet, but I don't care. It's always fun to watch. As is illustrated here, my favorite is when Brooke is a lot taller.
14. because they're the hottest cheerleaders.
Heh, I love looking at how much the show changed the cheer uniforms, yet I can't recall them ever mentioning it on the show. The long sleeves to no sleeves is funniest, since S3 and S4 are supposed to be the same basketball season. Anywho, I love seeing them cheering together because not only are they hot in their uniforms, but because Haley only became a cheerleader as a favor to Brooke, and I think that's the cutest. Both times! Her filling in at the Classic was totally a turning point.
13. because they make the prettiest caps.
As someone that at least attempts to make arts and icons, pretty caps are a very good thing to have. Even when a scene or moment is completely insignificant, it can be shot in the prettiest way, with the prettiest lighting, and it'll become a favorite. It also helps when the subjects are two of the prettiest people in the world, like these two beauties!
12. because they can't stay mad at each other.
As painful as it can be when a ship fights, the make up scene is usually always worth it. These two hardly ever fight, but when they do, I love that it's always resolved by the end of episode. Considering the other girl friendships on this show, it really goes to show how strong and mature and consistant this friendship is. I mean, Brooke stole from Haley and got her fired, then lied about it, and when she confessed, Haley forgave her by the end of the episode, instead of drawing it out and being mean and snide to each other. They're just too mature for that shit.
11. because they can be funny and serious.
Even though the show didn't do all of the slap sticky roommate hikinks I wanted them to, these two still got lots of really cute and funny moments that really showed how well Joy and Soph play off each other, and it started before they moved in, and continued after they moved out. Yet their meaningful and serious scenes are just as perfect. Especially the 'I'm just Haley' scene, when she calls herself a nerd, and Brooke tells her, very sincerely, that she's a rockstar. I love that Brooke was there for that scene, as it's really one of Haley's biggest scenes in the series.
10. because they're both amazing mothers.
Considering they're two of the best friends that anyone could ask for, it's no surprise that they're both amazing mothers. Of course, the circumstances are very different, they both rock at it. I love that it's something really important that they have in common, and it brings them together this season, with Brooke coming to her for advice with Sam sometimes, and that Haley was so confident in Brooke's ability to be a mom, even when Brooke wasn't. And of course, the fact that Brooke was the first to know that Haley was preggers was pretty awesome, too. I'd kill to have either of them as my mom!
09. because they love each other's kids [and their kids love each other].
They all need more scenes together stat! Especially Haley/Brooke/Sam! I think Brooke/Jamie are cute, but I just adore Haley/Sam and love that they're close and not just because Haley is her teacher. I loved their scenes in 616, with Sam saying she didn't want to lose her and then calling her Haley. I really liked that Jamie and Sam got along too. Jamie totally had a crush on Sam. They need to hang out again, without getting into trouble. At least then I could stand Jamie. Anyway, I just think it's so cute that they both have strong relationship with the other's kid, mostly because Peyton [and okay, not many others, either] hardly knows either of their names!
08. because they're the dorkiest dorks.
The only thing I love more than a pretty girl that isn't afraid to be silly or dorky, is when two pretty girls aren't afraid to be pretty and dorky together. These two just had some of the silliest and cutest and dorkiest moments. I especially love the grinding from the dance free for all in 314, because you just know that was all Joy and Soph. You can totally see Joy cracking up at the end of it.
07. because their hugs are always precious.
They totally didn't hug enough! But when they did, it was super cute, naturally. I guess it just made them more special. I'll never forget how much I squeed at their first hug in 222 and then their first roomie hug in 303. Too precious. There's no arguing that the best hug even is in 417, Haley looks so adorable with her little arms all wrapped around her like that. They need a hug soon, damn it!
06. because they were roomies!
This reason is extra special, for two reasons. Obviously, there's the fact that this was totally when they really got close and became what they are now, but that's not the main reasons. Honestly? I totally chose to believe that them being roommates was my idea that Mark stole. I know you probably think I'm crazy, but it's a known fact that Mark used to lurk and post on the OTH and Spoiler boards over on FanForum back in S2, and I remember commenting multiple times at the end of S2, about how both Brooke and Haley were gonna be homeless and NH's apartment was gonna be empty in S3, so they should totally move in together. And then they did. So yes, totally my doing. God, when this spoiler was spilled during the summer, I could not contain my squees, you guys have NO idea. I wish I could go back to that time. Best ever. Oh! And the only time Peyton was useful in S3 [or anytime after] was when she'd make comments about how Haley was 'so Brooke's roommate!' or that Brooke was rubbing off on her.
05. because their love [and lust] is so obvious.
Honestly, just look at how cute they are, staring each other in the eyes! And the way Brooke is looking at her in the first cap. But Haley not so subtly checking Brooke's rack in those caps always makes me lol. Old school joke from the BH thread on FF, I guess. I can't help it. That first cap in the second row is so hot though. As is the way Brooke is looking at her in the second last one. Hot.
04. because brooke can't keep her hands off haley.
Their naughty touches were also a running joke on the BH thread. Originally I was gonna do both of them touching each other, but when I was doing the art, I noticed that the majority of the caps were Brooke all over Haley, so I just went with it. But seriously, girl just can't keep her hands to herself. Not that I'm complaining or blaming her! I love it.
03. because they're always there for each other.
I lovelovelove that they are always there for each other, and always support each other when they need it - whether it's with boys or their ~dreams. I love that Haley was there for the birth of Clothes Over Bros, and that Haley totally called her out on it in S5. She was totally ready to give up until Haley talked some sense into her. Haley being on Team Brooke, Brooke bitching out Rachel [not pictured] and Brooke protecting her/making sure she was okay after Damien pushed her are other favorites. Oh, and of course, Brooke pretending to be preggers for her! They have such a great, balanced friendship, and it's really refreshing on a show full of one sided relationships.
02. because they're just too adorable.
Okay, I admit, this was totally just an excuse to post some of my favorite caps that didn't really fit into any of the other categories, but still! It's an extremely valid reason because it's extremely true. These two are just the most adorable people ever, especially together! True fact. And really, is there a better reason to ship two people together than being adorable? I think not!
01. because they've come such a long way.
Obviously every ship comes a long way over the course of a series, but with these two, it's different. I totally shipped these two from the very first episode I saw [106], and never in a million years would I have expected them to come as far as they have. Back in season one, if someone had told me that Brooke would be Haley's maid of honor or the godmother to her child, I wouldn't have believed it at all, but she was! It was pretty much more than I ever could have expected from them and it's because of that they'll always be my OTP. They're my little UC friendship that could!