Oct 01, 2005 10:50
(are we all selfish?)
Here we are again.
Apparently so.
Read the top.
Selfishness eh?
Apparently so.
What’s the link then?
Complement... and selfishness.
Everyone’s at fault of it.
You must think everyone’s selfish then.
In their search for it, yes.
Maybe it facilitates the idea?
It must.
To think purely about themselves?
Not exactly.
What then?
To view reality purely from a perspective where all the facets of it are determined by you and you alone.
To close off all else then.
To protect our limited pleasures.
And push everything we dislike away?
Our weaknesses, other realities.
Other realities?
Realities rendered by the minds’ of others.
How are they weaknesses?
They are not, they are strong, people are weak.
Then realities invented by one are weak?
To others yes.
But to one, they are strong?
They are what facilitates the accomplishment of complement.
But if mankind complements each other, how can we all be selfish?
Mankind seeks others in order to complement itself.
What is it in others that provides it?
Fervor, bliss, ecstasy.
Love then?
That’s the word.
What’s the reality?
We all seek that ecstasy, that oneness.
Is that really selfish?
We’ll do anything for ecstasy, we change the perspective of reality just to suit the environment that permits it.
Is ecstasy a feeling of complement?
For the few moments we have it, it is the ultimate source of oneness.
But you need others for it, and you give it to them as well.
Yes, but we seek it for ourselves foremost, and we’ll do anything to find it.
We change realities?
Of the person it’s with. We push all dislikes of the person out.
out of?
The reality we view them in, we hide from our dislikes of them, so we can protect our pleasures.
So we lie to ourselves?
Anything to experience the fervor, the complement.
So we believe in only the best characteristics that we gain pleasure from?
They are the only ones that make up our perspective of reality. We believe in them till the end, until we are forced to view realities from the true perspective.
That explains teenaged girls forgiving their boyfriends for cheating on them.
We live in the delusions we wish to believe, because they provide the greatest ecstasy. And after achieving that complement we refuse to believe any other reality.
That also explains you then.
It explains us all..
So what is it then when both view each other from realities clouded by delusions of the pleasures and ecstasy we wish to keep and none of the deleterious perspectives of the truth?
You find love.
That should be an axiom.
It is to me, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.
By Sean Corcoran