Will you ever Know... chap 5/?

Jan 05, 2012 19:57

Title : Will you ever Know... (Chaptered fic) 
Author : izanamiwiles 
Pairing : Changmin/OFC 
Genre : General (for now) 
Summary : How do you keep your head above water when you're working 24/7 for asia's most famous boygroup and happened to fall in love with your boss?

Chapter 5:The Promotion (Step 5)

The rest of the morning went by almost swiftly. Andie kept working in her room, trying to avoid everyone as much as possible. They didn't need her anyway, so it wasn't too hard.

They left for their radio show at 1pm and as soon as she heard the front door close she relaxed a bit.
She sighed, and finally took two steps in the living room. The assistant looked around, knowing it was going to be very hard to leave this place, and the group, even though, it was for the best. She couldn't continue like this and their work would eventually be injured if she did.

Andie wasn't going to cause them any more stress, she was ready to turn the page, when her phone rang, waking her up from her reverie. 
The young gril raised an eyebrow seeing "private id" blink on her cell.

"Yes" she picked it up.

"Hi, may I speak to Andrea Parsons please?"

"This is she...."

"Oh...hello miss Parsons, this is mister Kang Min Ki's secretary, mister Kang would like to meet with you as soon as
possible...are you free today, lets say around 4pm?"

"Euuh...I-I..umm yes I am, but could you tell me what this is about?"

"Mister Kang didn't tell me, he just asked for you ASAP"
Andie made a puzzled look and wondered why the hell her boss summoned her to come.


"So 4pm is alright for you?"

"....I-I g-guess..."

"Perfect! Thank you very much, have a nive day miss."

"y-you t-too"

The assistant hung up and felt something twitch in her stomach. 
She sigh and sat down on the couch, trying to cast her bad thoughts away when a very disturbing one popped up in her head.
No....no no no Noooo he couldn't....it couldn't be....No....oh please tell me he didn't....Oh lord please tell me Changmin has nothing to do with this!
The brown haired girl shook her head to cast that thought away, and decided to go back to her work. Stayng busy was the best way to keep her mind off of things.

A few times, she felt she was going to break down into tears just going through her stuff, but she made a promise to herself not to cry a single tear again, at least not before she would be in her own room and with a new job!

Time flew by, and, the young girl was ready to head to her appointment when the phone rang again, but this time it was the house's one.
Aish....Andie cursed, running late already and jumping to grab the damn phone.
"DBSK's appartment, Andie speaking..."

"Hey! it's Jaejoong!"

"Jae-Jaejoong..w-why are you calling? a-aren't y-you"

"Yep I'm at the radio company but I needed to ask for a favor?"

"A favor?"

"Yes....it's.....well i-it's just...could you wait until we get back, please?"

"Wait for what?"

"Y-you leaving....could you wait until we all come back..." 
his voice trailed off and she could feel him getting a bit tense.

"Jae-jaejoong...h-how d'you know..........(sigh) don't worry I will...."

"THANX! see you at the house then!"

Andie smiled on the other hand of the line, even though Jaejoong had already hung up. But she soon felt the tears welling up and quickly returned to her senses. Taking a last look at the clock, she ran outside!


Andie was silently waiting, outside Mister Kang's office, for the secretary to call her. Still having no clue why her boss wanted to see her, but making the most out of it, she figured that it was for the best since she had to give him her resignation letter.

The young girl kept on biting her nails and twisting her hands, when the secretary finally called for her.

Cautiously entering the office, Andie is being with a wave, by mister Kang still on the phone, to come in and sit down. 
"...yes, yes she just came in, I'll do as we said Mr Shim. Yes, haha yes you're welcome. Have a nice day too."

The assistant gulped.
.....Shim? Nah it's a common name...

Kang MinKi hangs up and stares at her with a smile.

"So Miss Parsons....How are you?"

"I-I'm...fine Sir....thank y-you.."

"Good, good...you're probably wondering why I called for you right?"

"I...Huh y-yes as a matter of fact I am Sir..."

"Well...It's about small matter that I'd like to discuss with you"


"See I've heard from the members and the manager, that you're doing a great job, and Mr Shim himself called me this afternoon to confirm."
So it was Changmin afterall....

"But apparently you're not happy with your job, am I right?" 
He was now staring at her with dark piercing eyes, and, Andie looked back, confused.

"Um actually it's not that Sir it's more about-"

"hahaha don't worry Andie I'm just teasing you! I know you're fully dedicated to what you do, and I also know that you're excellent at it....So let's talk about your raise shall we?"

The Director smiles and starts shuffling papers in front of him.

"M-my r-raise?" Andie asked all confused.

"yes...wait I just need to find....Ah! Here it is! This is your new job assignment as well as your new salary." The older man holding out the paper to the assistant while eye searching for a pen.

Andie starts to read and widens her eyes in utter disbelief.
...WHAT??? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? FIRST ASSISTANT?.... The young girl screams inwardly.

"So happy?"

"Uh I do not understand Sir..."

"Well it's pretty simple, you're to become their first assistant. You'll now be working jointly with their manager. The job is demanding but I'm sure you'll find the raise to be a nice compensation?"
The Director chuckled a little bit, a smirk faintly appearing on his face.

"But...this...this is not right...I was suppose to.."

"Huh? To what?"

"to...to..." The brown haired girl felt lost and confused and words didn't seem to come out right from her mouth, struggling hard to keep herself calm.
say it damn it! He's right there and that's your only chance so would you please spell it out!

"You needed something?"
Seeing the surprised look on the poor girl's face the director quickly retrieved his hand.

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought you knew about all this.......I thought-well as Mr Shim called me himself, I thought you had talked about this before"

"No we absolutely did not and he-" anger made her regain a little bit of composure.

"Oh my apologises then....or should I say congratulations?"

"But Sir it's not what you think I-"

"It's alright, don't worry, I understand....you're caught off guard and that's normal. Just sign here and here and that will be it. My secretary will take care of the rest, and as far as the account department is concerned, I'm sure you'll hear from them soon enough"

He pointed out the "sign here" spots on the papers once again and Andie signed.
"Thank you. I'm sorry I'm quite in a hurry, having another important meeting out of town, so if you need anything do not hesitate to call me"

He lifts himself up and, walked the new first assistant to the door
"It was a pleasure, as always" He shaked her hand "have a nice day, and say hi to the boys for me"

The brown haired girl takes two steps outside and Kang has already close the door. 
What just happened? What did I do? Did I seriously sign those paper? Did I?......Why? I'm insane....This....This is pure madness......I....I can't work there anymore...

"Miss?....Miss Parsons?"

Still rummaging her thoughts, Andie didn't notice the secretary desperatly trying to get the young girl's attention.

Why did he do that? This doesn't make sense....AT ALL....What the hell was he thinking, calling my boss....And what the hell was I thinking signing this freakin contract...I'm..I'm

"Excuse miss Parsons? Are you alright?" the secretary almost patted Andie's arm, worried seeing how pale the young girl looked.

"I'm sorry what?"

Andie stares at the secretary as if she's a creature from outer-space, her mouth slightly open and her hands squeezing the contract, almost ruining it.

"I'm trully sorry miss but I have to get back to work, so if you'll please hand me the forms I'll hand them to the accounts department immediately"

"I---er---Y-yes s-sure"

Andie disconnected her hands from the piece of paper and handed it quite shamefully to the secretary.
She watched as the lady made three copies of it and put in a red folder next to her desk. She was still staring when the secretary turned her head and with a big smile asked:
"Did you need anything else?"

The assistant blinks, and hesitantly smiles back.
"Oh no.....no thank you. I'll .... I'll get going then."

"Have a nice day miss Parsons"

"Y-you too."

And there was Andie walking out of Sm's building, a puzzled look on her face, wondering how the hell she was going to explain that to the boys as well as the manager.

Changmin I swear to God If you don't give me a good explanation for this one, I'll make sure you don't get to eat a proper meal for the next three months!

A/N: Oh My god!! 's been sooooo long since I posted anything and especially this fic. I'm sure I lost everybody who was reading......But it's alright. I'll continue posting, I promise. However can not promise any deadline, very sorry about that.
I wish you a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! HUGS to everybody! ^^ v................Concrete is highly appreciated! ^^

changmin; oc, will you ever know...

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