Title: Protecting me....(part b) [sequel for "Bodyguard"] By: izanamiwiles Pairing: Changmin x OFC Rating: romance, angst Disclaimer: Changmin's not mine....but the story is ^^ Summary: Yoong Won is up to no good
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Well, from what I've experienced or heard from people going to Korea and having friends there, the korean people are actually different from japanese sure, but they share the same "shyness". It's more on the boy/girl relationship that the two countries differ. In japan, girls can have a Guy friend, and it's not a big deal. In Korea, they just can't! Because there this Oppa-relationship and usually the girl having a guy friend would be considered having feelings for him. Moreover if she doesn't then she's kinda considered weird.....Obviously there's some exceptions, and not everyone's the same, but for me that's the biggest difference between the two countries. So in a way, japanese people can be considered bolder sometimes.....Their cultures are so different from western ones, but that's what makes them so interesting for me. However, sometimes it's just hard for a simple european like me, to understand some aspects of it.....I always try to have an open mind though, that's kinda of the key ^^;
Umm I guess I'm more of a shy person....unless you push my buttons really hard, I won't go wild. I laugh a lot, and love to joke around with my friends. And love to meet new people and get to know them, but I tend to listen more than speak. It's not due to the way I was brought up (or maybe O?o) it's mostly because of bad encounters I had.....I'm a good listener because I've built walls around me so that people couldn't hurt me anymore. So if you know me well, then I'll let myself out a bit more, but I guess never entirally....one day maybe ^^ (Ok Now you think I'm a lunatic that just listens and don't talk....but no I do speak I promise *blushes returns hiding*)
XDDDD cm:*sits down in front of miri* go ahead! ^___^ miri:*deep breath* well,ok- *starts massaging away* cm:*purrs* ^___^ me:*looks through the shopping bag* games, food, candies, beverages and toy for mandoongie....i guess I got everything.....*opens door to room* hey, I'm b-ba-Oops sorry! *miri massaging cm's head, and cm lying in miri's lap eyes closed and still purring* miri: O__O nami, No WAIT! IT'S NOT- cm:*wakes up* Yah! Why you screaming, I was dreaming! *yawns and settles more in miri's lap* me:*chuckles, and looks down at md* I guess it's going to be the two of us then? Now what do you wanna do sweety? md:*waff waff-points paw at video game* ^x^ me:What? Oh you wanna play? oK then games it's gonna be!....now where's the tv?...
o.o whoa...i never knew about that aspect from korean and japanese culture~ cuz....with the couple of friends i see, they do have a couple of guy friends but they're certainly not their boyfriends~ then again i guess it's because they're here in nyc and people of their kind tend to stick together...which can be intimidating if you want to approach them. My first korean friend- she's older than me by around 3-4 yrs i think, i met her since she sat next to me in a linguistics class and we just started talking...one on one...but when she's with her other friends (i've only ever met her guy friends) they speak in korean and then...it's like i'm mute ^^* *sighs* geh *feels like smacking someone* either practice and talk your english so SOMEONE doesn't feel left out or at least try to throw me one or two korean words along teh way like UNNIE here so i can learn korean faster -.-
T^T dun say that~ you're not a lunatic. I'm more of a listener than a speaker as well. I always tell people if they want to rant or whatever, come to me and they always come talk and complain and ask me for help or advice or whatever...but then when people ask me how i'm doing, i only reveal the surface...it's not like 'well for the past week i haven't been able to sleep well because i have a million things going on in my mind plus this shitty business with dbsk that's driving me so insane i see them in my dreams" but more like "oh yeah, i'm fine. just a little tired is all. college work ^^;;;"
O_O *jaw drops* miri: *since cm's fallen back asleep on her lap she can't do anything* *frantically waves her arms adn moves mouth to nami* *shaking her head like crazy* -it's not what you think it's not what you think! get this man off me!- nami: *winks and scoops up md and, smiling, closes the door* *hears a small "EEP" come from miri* come on bb girl~ *says to md* what games shall we play? md: ^x^ *licks nami's nose* waff waff! <333 miri: O_0 g-g-g-gehh...*continues massaging cm's head* nami, i am SO getting you back one of these days.... cm: -w- -w- -w- the square root of cm is nami miri: O_0!!! *smacks cm's head* you're sleep talking aren't yo- *realizes what he says and a small evil smile spreads across her face* :} hehehehehe~ *grabs tape recorder*
(well I hope you don't mind I still answer you....*blushes*) Yes I think the country does play a big part in the way they interact with boys or girls. As a matter of fact, do you know Stephanie from CSJH the Grace (Tenjochiki)? Well she spent all of her childhood years and most of her adolescence in the US (if I'm not wrong ^^). That shows off now, because she's so much natural around boys on shows! She's one of Yunho's good friend actually and they act normal around each other. She's got the american/western type of personnality and it's easy to see the difference with the other koreans......However, what you were describing, is kinda common I think around japanese/korean people. I also had a korean and a japanese friend, and they to use to hand out with other japanese/korean people, speaking their language and not really bothering about me or anyone else for that matter. I have to say, I don't really understand why they do this.....But I don't think it's meant to hurt us.....I think they just don't get that that excludes us T__T But I so understand your frustration *hugs you tight* ^^;
Oh God, we're exactly the same. I to always tell people that they can come to me, but I never go to anyone if I feel bad...^^ (So well then, if you're feeling you can come to me! you know I'll listen ;p)
XDD me:Ok then do you wanna try your new toy? *grabs toy from the plastic bag and starts wriggling it in front of md* md:*jumps around happy trying to catch the toy* waff waff! ^x^ *keeps on playing a few minutes happily until a BANG is heard* me:*runs to the room and opens the door quickly* What the hell happened? Miri you ok? miri:*smirks* hehe cm:*still in miri's lap eyes all sleepy* wth? why did you throw-hmpf *being stopped by miri's hand* me:O_o ? O-ok well...I gu-guess I'll let you 2 alone... miri: NO CHANCE IN HELL! MANDOONGIE SHUT THE DOOR! md:*runs and places two paws on door and shut it* arf? ^x~!
*hugs* ah! I never knew she was korean-american! but yeah...i mean, i like girls like that, where they don't purposefully act shy and girly around guys. I prefer a person who treats girls and guys the same- talk to them, joke with them, comfortable around any of them. You know? Because sometimes...like in dramas, a girl would purposefully become shy adn introverted and constantly blush when she's around a guy and everytime i see that, my reaction would always be like *smacks forehead* "PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER WOMAN! THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY! DUN ACT LIKE A FREAKIN' DELICATE LOTUS FLOWER, OUT WITH IT AND TELL HIM HOW YOU FEEL!" o^^o or maybe it's because i'm a little... 'hot-blooded' when it comes to things like that ahehehe~ and today i was just talking to my korean friend and she told me how she went out with a chinese friend of hers and another korean friend...and that korean friend kept talking to her in korean while she was trying her best to include her chinese friend in teh conversation. so i guess you're right...they don't do it intentionally...and yet when they DO speak english, they become more meek and quiet...but i guess that's understandable, it's not their nativ language so they must pay attention to what they say~
*laughs* yes! i'll definitely come to you (like i just did when i was tellign you about my dreams and how i've been feeling the past few days) >,< i think i'm going to take a music break now and these few days not listen to any dbsk music...just gardot and classical music ^^* *sighs* i can't take it anymore with the five of them...
o.o *surprised* what did i throw, what did i throw???? =D *all curious at nami* miri: *pats md's head and throws her a treat* *ruffles cm's hair* cm: *howls and darts up out of her lap with his hands on his hair* miri: *smiles and says* ok now~ nami has alone time with minmin cm: O.o! DO NOT. CALL. ME MINMN! miri: *winks and picks up md and goes over to the door* no worries cm~ now you'll get a taste of nami's massage~ urrrrrrrr ;]
*shakes head* i don't know about azn guys...some of them say they do like it when girls act special around them or act shy or soft and feminine...and yet others want the girls to just act themselves....oh god, who cares, we'll just act like ourselves when the time comes and not care if people like it or not- if people accept it, fine, if they don't well then, they can leave :D AND YES, I ALWAYS LOVE THOSE HEROINES THAT KICK BUTT IN DRAMAS WHOOOO 8D
*laughs* ahhh i was going to tell you about a dream i had but...wouldnt' you believe it...i forgot it -_- it just went whoosh~ over my head. i hate how i can never remember dreams anymore...the moment i wake up it's like my mind's a blank board again.
*HAHAHAHA* Exactly! Why bother being someone you're not? Moreover of the guy likes the personnality you're trying to display, it's not a good start for a relationship right?....Talking about kicking butts, are you watching HERO with lee junki? The leading girl in it is a polive woman with a strong personnality! Moreover I loooooooooooove junki and he's playing a dork in this one, which is hilarious! ^^;
I wanna dream about them so much, but funny enough I never do!! AS I Told you too much daydreaming erases the real dreams! XDD
ooooh junki =D i've heard about hero, yes, but i haven't had the time to watch it >< but the female lead sounds great- kick butt girl! WHOO! haha
hahaha i like that! 'too much daydreaming erases real dreams' maybe listen to some of their softer music and ballads before you fall asleep- like toki wo tomete? maybe you can listen to that and then dream about them~
Oh I you do please watch it!! I loooooooooove Junki! He's such a baby! Seriously how can you take him seriously with his face 8DDD He's always gooffing around....hehe I really like him...call him "bébé Junki" all the time XD!
Well I've been watching some old videos of them lately...don't really know why, but it felt nice in a way....still a bit bittersweet though.....I've been watching a few performances too....and OMG! Have you seen Changmins' solo at The Tokyo Dome concert???? I've came accross it yesterday and died! I've always like "Wild Soul" but Changmin in black+Wild Soul rock version+him alone on stage= DEAD!! XDD Just take a look: 8D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO5En_AvfBc
...i never kenw he sang that solo in tokyo dome 8DDD needless to say, made me love his voice all over again hehe~ so breathtaking changmin BWAHAHAHAHA <3
Well I do not know if she's Korean-american but for sure she's got the american spirit ^^ hahaha if you're hot-blooded then I'm definitely the same! I can't stand it either when girls act all stupid around boys....seriously why do they have to do that. And moreover, well I don't know about asian guys, but as far as european guys are concern, they don't like it either XD ..... Drama scenes are awfull for that, you always wanna scream at your screen ne? ^^! that's also why I love the ones where the female lead kicks but, and fights with the boy ^^;
OH do! I'll be more than glad to be there for you! and do ramble about anything, moreover if it's about dreams I looooooove it ^^, Yep, I've been listening to a few of their songs, but not an entire album yet.....a bit too early for me. PLus seeing all their solo activities doesn't realluy appeal to me. I mean as much as I like to see them, it's still heartbreaking to see only one of them whenever a new mag, interview, drama or single comes out...But I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer right?..........On the other hand, Jaejoong is very funny protraying a dork in his drama ^^ Can't wait to see "sir" changmin in his! God he's taking so loooooooooooong!^^ Seriously is he re-filming all the scenes he's been doing or what? XD
me:*picks up the tape recorder near the door* miri what's this? O_o miri:Oh you'll find out soon enough *evil grin* md: arf? what about me? nobody cares about me *pouts* miri: what? Oh yes..*picks up toy and goes to the door* me: wait, where you're going? *pouts too* cm:*comes closer* what about the rest of my list? You got all I wanted...? ^^
o.o ehh? OOH I GET IT...LJ SPAZZED ON YOU, THAT"S WHY I GOT THIS SECOND MESSAGE IN MY EMAIL 8DDD *laughs* stupid lj T^T but anyways, ahh, the second part of your message...yeah, like i said, seeing them do solo activities is a little strange, since we're so used to the five of them together. It's like....well, seeing the five of them doing their own things, it's like they never met and sang together to begin with- you know that feeling? >< that's the feeling i got. i couldn't help it, i mean i was horrified with myself for feeling that way but...it's sad...
ah yeah, and i saw jaejoong in the first episode (no subs though ><) and he was hilarious~ really good actor...although i'd really like to kick min/ the crew/ the drama cu WHAT. IS. TAKING. SO. LONG. PARADISE MEADOW EH? SOUNDS MORE LIKE PARADISE HELL WHERE ARE YOU?!?!? they said it was going to air in april well...it's mid april and i dun see anything yet T^T
cm: you all got what i wanted? miri+nami: O-O *telepathy- the nerve of this guy!!!* *evil smirks to one another* . . .*PICK UP ICE CREAM AND SNOW AND HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT* . . .lol because snow just magically appeared only for the purpose of our epic snowball fight 8D hee
OOPs oh well you'll get two answers then XD *nods nods* yes totally get what you mean...and that's what's heartbreaking...feels like they're strangers to one another...but for me, acting and modeling is easier to watch than singing. Because singing is who they trully are, and seeing only one of them sing, is going to be very hard for me. I don't know if I'll be able to watch Junsu promote for his new single....*wonders*....
*nods nods* yes he is! I was happily surprised. His character suits him perfectly and I can't wait to see the rest. Moreover the drama seems nice overall so it's even more interesting. And I think, the fact that he's one of the characters and not the main one, is better....but that's just my opinion of course ^^ PARADISE HELL --->> ROFL!! sooooo true!!Yep it was suppose to air mid april but knowing he's still shooting, The thing's gonna air mid october ne?! WTH seriously? i know he's a perfectionnist but come on already *runs to grab the tapes and sits down next to miri to watch it* ^^
Epic snow fight indeed! 8DD miri:*throws big snowball at cm* You're not gonna see this one coming *hehe* cm:*dives just in time but throws another one towards miri* yah! eat that! me:don't you dare hurt miri! *throws snowball right in cm's face* cm:*gets irritated because he's choking on snow* you! YOU! me:oops...bad idea *starts running as fast I can* miri:hey wait! *grabs md and shove it in front of cm* cm:O_0 what the-*looks at md* what now? md: arf? *pouts* cm:yah! not fair, you know I can't resist when she pouts!*grabs md and cuddle her, forgetting about me* miri: nami it's ok you can come back now *smiles* me:*hides behind bush* you're sure?....
Wow- brilliantly put, so profound. It's true that when they're singing, they're letting everything through...but with dancing and modeling it is easier to hide emotions they might be feeling~
It is cliche if changmin were the main lead, so yeah, it's a refreshing change that he's only part of the main supporting cast~ kinda like jaejoong in sunao ni narenakute! =D
lol *SNEAKS INTO THE BACKSTAGE WHERE THEY'RE SHOOTING THE DRAMA AND WATCHES WITH NAMI* there we go...we even get to see the ep before it's aired! haha
awww me: *glomps nami* thank you for saving me from the monster snowball~ us: *look over at changmin who's smiling like an idiot as md licks his face* BWAHAHAHAHA *take pic of the two* cm: o////o hey! md: ^x^ arf!!!
Umm I guess I'm more of a shy person....unless you push my buttons really hard, I won't go wild. I laugh a lot, and love to joke around with my friends. And love to meet new people and get to know them, but I tend to listen more than speak. It's not due to the way I was brought up (or maybe O?o) it's mostly because of bad encounters I had.....I'm a good listener because I've built walls around me so that people couldn't hurt me anymore. So if you know me well, then I'll let myself out a bit more, but I guess never entirally....one day maybe ^^ (Ok Now you think I'm a lunatic that just listens and don't talk....but no I do speak I promise *blushes returns hiding*)
cm:*sits down in front of miri* go ahead! ^___^
miri:*deep breath* well,ok- *starts massaging away*
cm:*purrs* ^___^
me:*looks through the shopping bag* games, food, candies, beverages and toy for mandoongie....i guess I got everything.....*opens door to room* hey, I'm b-ba-Oops sorry!
*miri massaging cm's head, and cm lying in miri's lap eyes closed and still purring*
miri: O__O nami, No WAIT! IT'S NOT-
cm:*wakes up* Yah! Why you screaming, I was dreaming! *yawns and settles more in miri's lap*
me:*chuckles, and looks down at md* I guess it's going to be the two of us then? Now what do you wanna do sweety?
md:*waff waff-points paw at video game* ^x^
me:What? Oh you wanna play? oK then games it's gonna be!....now where's the tv?...
T^T dun say that~ you're not a lunatic. I'm more of a listener than a speaker as well. I always tell people if they want to rant or whatever, come to me and they always come talk and complain and ask me for help or advice or whatever...but then when people ask me how i'm doing, i only reveal the surface...it's not like 'well for the past week i haven't been able to sleep well because i have a million things going on in my mind plus this shitty business with dbsk that's driving me so insane i see them in my dreams" but more like "oh yeah, i'm fine. just a little tired is all. college work ^^;;;"
O_O *jaw drops*
miri: *since cm's fallen back asleep on her lap she can't do anything* *frantically waves her arms adn moves mouth to nami* *shaking her head like crazy* -it's not what you think it's not what you think! get this man off me!-
nami: *winks and scoops up md and, smiling, closes the door* *hears a small "EEP" come from miri* come on bb girl~ *says to md* what games shall we play?
md: ^x^ *licks nami's nose* waff waff! <333
miri: O_0 g-g-g-gehh...*continues massaging cm's head* nami, i am SO getting you back one of these days....
cm: -w- -w- -w- the square root of cm is nami
miri: O_0!!! *smacks cm's head* you're sleep talking aren't yo- *realizes what he says and a small evil smile spreads across her face* :} hehehehehe~ *grabs tape recorder*
Yes I think the country does play a big part in the way they interact with boys or girls. As a matter of fact, do you know Stephanie from CSJH the Grace (Tenjochiki)? Well she spent all of her childhood years and most of her adolescence in the US (if I'm not wrong ^^). That shows off now, because she's so much natural around boys on shows! She's one of Yunho's good friend actually and they act normal around each other. She's got the american/western type of personnality and it's easy to see the difference with the other koreans......However, what you were describing, is kinda common I think around japanese/korean people. I also had a korean and a japanese friend, and they to use to hand out with other japanese/korean people, speaking their language and not really bothering about me or anyone else for that matter. I have to say, I don't really understand why they do this.....But I don't think it's meant to hurt us.....I think they just don't get that that excludes us T__T But I so understand your frustration *hugs you tight* ^^;
Oh God, we're exactly the same. I to always tell people that they can come to me, but I never go to anyone if I feel bad...^^ (So well then, if you're feeling you can come to me! you know I'll listen ;p)
me:Ok then do you wanna try your new toy? *grabs toy from the plastic bag and starts wriggling it in front of md*
md:*jumps around happy trying to catch the toy* waff waff! ^x^
*keeps on playing a few minutes happily until a BANG is heard*
me:*runs to the room and opens the door quickly* What the hell happened? Miri you ok?
miri:*smirks* hehe
cm:*still in miri's lap eyes all sleepy* wth? why did you throw-hmpf *being stopped by miri's hand*
me:O_o ? O-ok well...I gu-guess I'll let you 2 alone...
md:*runs and places two paws on door and shut it* arf? ^x~!
*laughs* yes! i'll definitely come to you (like i just did when i was tellign you about my dreams and how i've been feeling the past few days) >,< i think i'm going to take a music break now and these few days not listen to any dbsk music...just gardot and classical music ^^* *sighs* i can't take it anymore with the five of them...
o.o *surprised* what did i throw, what did i throw???? =D *all curious at nami*
miri: *pats md's head and throws her a treat* *ruffles cm's hair*
cm: *howls and darts up out of her lap with his hands on his hair*
miri: *smiles and says* ok now~ nami has alone time with minmin
miri: *winks and picks up md and goes over to the door* no worries cm~ now you'll get a taste of nami's massage~ urrrrrrrr ;]
(The comment has been removed)
*shakes head* i don't know about azn guys...some of them say they do like it when girls act special around them or act shy or soft and feminine...and yet others want the girls to just act themselves....oh god, who cares, we'll just act like ourselves when the time comes and not care if people like it or not- if people accept it, fine, if they don't well then, they can leave :D AND YES, I ALWAYS LOVE THOSE HEROINES THAT KICK BUTT IN DRAMAS WHOOOO 8D
*laughs* ahhh i was going to tell you about a dream i had but...wouldnt' you believe it...i forgot it -_- it just went whoosh~ over my head. i hate how i can never remember dreams anymore...the moment i wake up it's like my mind's a blank board again.
i hope you dream about them though ;D <3
I wanna dream about them so much, but funny enough I never do!! AS I Told you too much daydreaming erases the real dreams! XDD
hahaha i like that! 'too much daydreaming erases real dreams' maybe listen to some of their softer music and ballads before you fall asleep- like toki wo tomete? maybe you can listen to that and then dream about them~
Well I've been watching some old videos of them lately...don't really know why, but it felt nice in a way....still a bit bittersweet though.....I've been watching a few performances too....and OMG! Have you seen Changmins' solo at The Tokyo Dome concert???? I've came accross it yesterday and died! I've always like "Wild Soul" but Changmin in black+Wild Soul rock version+him alone on stage= DEAD!! XDD
Just take a look: 8D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO5En_AvfBc
'bittersweet' certainly does describe it!
...i never kenw he sang that solo in tokyo dome 8DDD needless to say, made me love his voice all over again hehe~ so breathtaking changmin BWAHAHAHAHA <3
yep bittersweet, and unfortunately it's not looking better......
Oh god that solo..............*dies* It's just the perfect song for him really! moreover with the rock version! ^^
*wants to see it live* ^^
>< awwww~
*hugs* one day, definitely! seeing it live *o* haha i can't wait~
hahaha if you're hot-blooded then I'm definitely the same! I can't stand it either when girls act all stupid around boys....seriously why do they have to do that. And moreover, well I don't know about asian guys, but as far as european guys are concern, they don't like it either XD ..... Drama scenes are awfull for that, you always wanna scream at your screen ne? ^^! that's also why I love the ones where the female lead kicks but, and fights with the boy ^^;
OH do! I'll be more than glad to be there for you! and do ramble about anything, moreover if it's about dreams I looooooove it ^^,
Yep, I've been listening to a few of their songs, but not an entire album yet.....a bit too early for me. PLus seeing all their solo activities doesn't realluy appeal to me. I mean as much as I like to see them, it's still heartbreaking to see only one of them whenever a new mag, interview, drama or single comes out...But I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer right?..........On the other hand, Jaejoong is very funny protraying a dork in his drama ^^ Can't wait to see "sir" changmin in his! God he's taking so loooooooooooong!^^ Seriously is he re-filming all the scenes he's been doing or what? XD
me:*picks up the tape recorder near the door* miri what's this? O_o
miri:Oh you'll find out soon enough *evil grin*
md: arf? what about me? nobody cares about me *pouts*
miri: what? Oh yes..*picks up toy and goes to the door*
me: wait, where you're going? *pouts too*
cm:*comes closer* what about the rest of my list? You got all I wanted...? ^^
ah yeah, and i saw jaejoong in the first episode (no subs though ><) and he was hilarious~ really good actor...although i'd really like to kick min/ the crew/ the drama cu WHAT. IS. TAKING. SO. LONG. PARADISE MEADOW EH? SOUNDS MORE LIKE PARADISE HELL WHERE ARE YOU?!?!? they said it was going to air in april well...it's mid april and i dun see anything yet T^T
cm: you all got what i wanted?
miri+nami: O-O *telepathy- the nerve of this guy!!!* *evil smirks to one another*
. . .*PICK UP ICE CREAM AND SNOW AND HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT* . . .lol because snow just magically appeared only for the purpose of our epic snowball fight 8D hee
*nods nods* yes totally get what you mean...and that's what's heartbreaking...feels like they're strangers to one another...but for me, acting and modeling is easier to watch than singing. Because singing is who they trully are, and seeing only one of them sing, is going to be very hard for me. I don't know if I'll be able to watch Junsu promote for his new single....*wonders*....
*nods nods* yes he is! I was happily surprised. His character suits him perfectly and I can't wait to see the rest. Moreover the drama seems nice overall so it's even more interesting. And I think, the fact that he's one of the characters and not the main one, is better....but that's just my opinion of course ^^
PARADISE HELL --->> ROFL!! sooooo true!!Yep it was suppose to air mid april but knowing he's still shooting, The thing's gonna air mid october ne?! WTH seriously? i know he's a perfectionnist but come on already *runs to grab the tapes and sits down next to miri to watch it* ^^
Epic snow fight indeed! 8DD
miri:*throws big snowball at cm* You're not gonna see this one coming *hehe*
cm:*dives just in time but throws another one towards miri* yah! eat that!
me:don't you dare hurt miri! *throws snowball right in cm's face*
cm:*gets irritated because he's choking on snow* you! YOU!
me:oops...bad idea *starts running as fast I can*
miri:hey wait! *grabs md and shove it in front of cm*
cm:O_0 what the-*looks at md* what now?
md: arf? *pouts*
cm:yah! not fair, you know I can't resist when she pouts!*grabs md and cuddle her, forgetting about me*
miri: nami it's ok you can come back now *smiles*
me:*hides behind bush* you're sure?....
It is cliche if changmin were the main lead, so yeah, it's a refreshing change that he's only part of the main supporting cast~ kinda like jaejoong in sunao ni narenakute! =D
lol *SNEAKS INTO THE BACKSTAGE WHERE THEY'RE SHOOTING THE DRAMA AND WATCHES WITH NAMI* there we go...we even get to see the ep before it's aired! haha
me: *glomps nami* thank you for saving me from the monster snowball~
us: *look over at changmin who's smiling like an idiot as md licks his face* BWAHAHAHAHA *take pic of the two*
cm: o////o hey!
md: ^x^ arf!!!
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