Liberi Fatali Log

Nov 01, 2010 23:53

Front: aerithandzack06, ixcarbuncle09, aerithkh07 genesiscc07 imposter10 ixending06
Quotes: shirmafcd03
Dryad: garnet08
Cardguess: nomurax10
Summon: viewofalexandria08
NCNS: yuffiem03 cloudofdarknessd06 +2 Water
Fran: shelke03
PuzzleE: xiiibattle02 squallfalls04
ClassE: +2 Thunder viipromo09 metropolis07
ClassH: chocobofeather04 +3 Ice and +2 Wind cidm05 chocoboclasses04
PuzzleC: cloudofdarknessd09
PuzzleM: sephiroth04 +5 Wind
PuzzleH: ultimeciad02 cloudofdarknessd03 crazymotorcycle01 rydia01
Slots: zidane10 nomurakh04 chocoboxiii03
SlotsM: fireworks07 yuffiem07 rydia07 3+Ice
Contest: contest03 sailor-10 Thunder-choice fire-choice aerithandzack02 ixending09 ixcarbuncle05 tifaandcloud05 meetingjenova07
Traded chocobo0classes06 viipromo10 for mandi's aerithcc06, aerithprays07 and membercard
Traded amanoafteryears09, anewlegend10, believe06, chocoboart02, sazh07, yunaamano10 for Gem's kuja02, 07, shelke02, xiipromoi06, serahistaken03/04
Firechoice: thedanceii06
Thunderchoice: burmeciabattle05

Front: believe06
SlotsM: +3 Ice kuja05 cloudac03 serahistaken05
SlotsC: celes03 +1 all blizzaga07 fang01
PuzzleC: terra06 5gil
PuzzleM: +5 Earth aerithprays03
Front: eiko08 rydia10 carbuncle08 carbuncle04 viiiquezacotl07 rosaandcecil10
Sudoku: 10gil freya01 viiintro05 aerithrests09 journey08
Fran: squalld07
Traded gloryofyevon05 xintroii01 for Michelle's tidesoffate10 elementoftreachery02
Traded vincentac04 vincentdoc07 for lyn's burmeciabattle01/02
FirstMaster: carbuncle05 cokex02 bcart06 xiipromoi07
Slots: +1 all itorwespers08 tidus01 x2commercial03
PuzzleC: anewlegend09 5gil
SlotsM: ultima03 yunaamano10 viipromo10 +3 thunder
PuzzleM: aerithm01 +5 Holy
PuzzleH: viipromo01 ixcarbuncle08 ixcarbuncle10 freya06
PuzzleE: seifer07 nomuraviii03 5Gil
ClassH: +3 Fire and +2 Ice itahanafcd08 ultimeciad01 thedanceii03
ClassE: +2 Wind thefocus02 nomurakh02
Attack: ixintro10
NCNS: +4 Thunder burmeciabattle08
Quote: viewofalexandria09
Magic: +2 Earth sazh07
Multi: eiko09
Freebies: Waterchoice aerithcc05 crazymotorcycle01 zackcc01
WaterCoupon: x2commercial01

Sailor: mooglexii05 squall08 squalld06 bcart10 freya04
Front: cloudofdarknessd01
Cardguess: elementoftreachery06
SummonAttack: ultimeciad04
Magic: kh2cg03 +2 Wind
NCNS: +3 Shadow crazymotorcycle03
MatchE: crazymotorcycle10 vivikh203
MatchH: +3 Earth and +2 Shadow garnetspast03 terrad07 vincentac09
PuzzleE: nomurakh07 thedanceii01 5gil
PuzzleH: thedancei08 nomuravii09 yuffiedoc05 flowerfield05
PuzzleM: thedanceii04 +15 Water
PuzzleC: xiipromoi08 5gil
SlotsC: +1 to all attributes thedancei03 journey02 chocoboxiii01
SlotsM: squallfalls04 serahistaken06 edea04 +3 Fire
Quotes: viiiintroi05

Front: amanoix04 itorwi08
Fran: garnetoverlooks01
NCNS: +4 Thunder thedanceii09
Attack: squallfalls05
CardGuess: vincentac04
Quote: cloudm08
MemoryE: metropolis02 +2 Thunder
MemoryH: aerithcc08 edea05 caitsith06
PuzzleH: itorwii03 thedanceii08 flowerfield01viewofalexandria01
PuzzleE: 5Gil itorwi02 rikkux203
PuzzleM: aerithcc07 +5 shadow
PuzzleC: serahistaken07 5Gil
Job: squalld03 10Gil
Slots: elementoftreachery03 vivi02 tifa05

Traded vanille05 for Gem's burmeciabattle03
Traded zidane08, garnetswings08, garnetswings10, nightmare10 for Meru's aerithfalls09 aerithcc01/10 aerithrests10
Front: cloudofdarknessd07
Fran: thedancei03
Sudoku: zidane03 gil10 shesaidyes10 bcart05 amanoafteryears01
Crossword: burmeciabattle09 viiidiablos05 squallm04 nightmare02 viiiintroii09 thedanceii03
Freebies: squall06 gil10 viiiintroii08 garnet06 Choice-shadow
Choice Shadow: chaos01
QuoteForum: aerithm08 viiintro03 viiintro08 xiipromoi09 trancekuja02
CurrentGame: Choice-ice 10+ wind
Choice Ice: serah09
Attack: itahanact02
Cardguess: ultima10
Magic: burmeciabattle10 +2 Earth
Quotes: zackcc05
NCNS: celes04 cloudofdarknessd05 itahanact04
MemE: mogamano04 aerithm06 +2 Earth
MemH: +3 Holy and +2 Wind kuja10 garnet04 ultimeciad07
Job: bcart08 10gil
PuzE: viiiintroi05 mogamano10 5gil
PuzH: itahanact06 chocoboart02 xiipromoii03 firesofwar02
PuzM: terrad02 +5 Fire
PuzC: sazh02 5gil
Slots: monochrome01 +1all nomuravii07 chocoboclasses06
SlotsM: itahanafcd06 rinoa05 sazh04
Mastered serah: viiisiren02, viipromo02, viiishiva03, chaos03
Mastered chaos: shelke01, terra04, mooglexii01, monochrome04
Mastered monochrome: nomurakh09, chocoboxiii05, nomuraviii10, aerithfalls02

Front: kuja01
Membercardslot: (it was set when i opend the page <3 ) +3 fire squalld10 monochrome07 itahanact03
PuzzleC: firesofwar06 5Gil
Slots: terrad03 chocobofcd09 fangstorture05
PuzzleN: renoac01 amanoafteryears04 5GIl
Job: 10gil zackcc10
MemoryH: thedanceii02 kuja03 chocobofcd01 +3 Wind and +2 Holy
MemoryE:garnetspast10 squall09 +2 Wind
NCNS: +3 Holy bcart07
Attack: amanoafteryears08
CardGuess: garnet01
Magic: nomurakh05 +2 Holy
Quotes: squallm07
Fran: garnetspast01
Front: aerithcc04 tidus01 tifalo01 tifa04 squalld08
PuzzleC: thedanceii10 5gil
Slots: aerithrests06 squallfalls02 thedanceii05
PuzzleN: 5gil amanoafteryears10 squalld01
MemoryE: +2 Thunder thefocus07
MemoryH: +3 Water and +2 Ice yunasintro10 squallfalls03 thedancei10
Quotes: elementoftreachery10
NCNS: +3 Thunder, +2 Ice, -1 Wind trancekuja04
Magic: +2 Thunder trancekuja10
Multi: zidane08
Attack: aerithrests03
Membercardslot: garnetoverlooks08 cloudac01 itahanafcd09

Front: kuja06
Forum: monochrome05 elementoftreachery05 shadowchoice icechoice
NCNS: elementoftreachery01 + 4thunder
Cardguess: sephirothac09
Summon: mooglexii01
Magic: xintroii01 +2 earth
Quotes: zackcc07
Slots: mooglexii04 + all elementoftreachery09 renoac06
Puzzle: xiipromoi03 squallm08 5Gil
Job: burmeciabattle04 Gil10
Memory2: crazymotorcycle04 tidesoffate08 serah03
Memory1: aerithprays04 tidesoffate06 +2ice
PuzzleC: 5gil kh2cg05
ChoiceShadow for Cosmos10
ChoiceIce for serah01
Mastered cosmos: fang04, nightmare04, xiipromoi04, balthier03
Mastered balthier: chocobobox06, garnetspast06, nightmare06, serah06

Front: trancekuja07
Forum games vivikh210 shelke01 balthier04 viiisiren01 nomuraviii01 viiintro06 aerithfalls06 vincentac05 aerithfalls08
Excahnged Amanoafteryears01/02/06/07 for aerithfalls03 trancekuja09 viiintro07 shesaidyes03
Decemberfreebies: garnetswings07 tidesoffate02 thedanceii08 + thunderchoice
Matchaclass: +2 Ice viiisiren09 viiiintroi02
NSNC: +3 Wind garnetoverlooks06
Summon: thedancei10
Cardguess: squallfalls09
Draw: +2 Fire yuffiem09
Quote: terrad03
Slots: aerithm02 aerithm03 crazymotorcycle09 +1 all
Puzzle: viiiintroii06 viiidiablos04 5gil
PuzzleC: yuffiem03 5gil
Job: 10gil viiiintroi01
MatchclassH: +3 Ice and +2 Holy tifaac06 aerithprays10 meetingjenova01
Used Thunderchoice for: trancekuja01

2010 - 12 - 02
Front: kh2cg01 garnet10 nomurakh09
ChocoboWeek: chocobo-yellow-front01 chocobo-white-stand02
Forum ABC: firesofwar05
Summon: shelke04
Magic: +2 Earth garnetspast06
Quotes: sephirothac06
Slots: +1 to all nomuraviii10 garnetspast02 x2commercial01
CardPuzzle: squallm03 gil
Puzzle: shesaidyes04 gil cloudac04
MemoryH: +3 Thunder and +2 Water sephiroth09 zackcc04 viiidiablos01
MemoryE: bahamut01 seifer10 +2 Ice
NCNS: garnet02 +3 Fire
RinsTraded chocoboart10 for aerithrests04
RinsTraded aerithrests04 for nomurakh01
Connections: cosmos03 edea02 tidesoffate07
Bought two more chocobos: -30 gil
Doubles: Enda02 for firaga09

Front: Tidesoffate03 shirmafcd08
Quotes: aerithm04
Draw: +2 Fire chocoboart10
Cardguess: monochrome08
Summon: rinoa06
NCNS: +3 Fire, +2 Fire, -1 Fire  celes05
Memory: +2 Ice nomuraaeons07 shesaidyes07
Memory: +3 Wind and +2 Shadow thedanceii05 shelke09 tifaac03
Puzzle: aerithm07 gil crazymotorcycle07
Puzzlecard: Gil viiintro09
Slots: shelke06 1+all firesofwar01 celes09
Fran: SEYMORE02 OMGOMOGMGGOGMGOGGGMGOGLG (i can finally master thisfffff)
Traded lulu08 chocoboart01 lightning08 for Lyn's lightning09 serah08 cosmos02
Traded lulu05 for sparkel's viiintro10
Mastered seymour: firesofwar07, thedancei02, metropolis01, lightning10
Level Up: lightning10, aerithfalls01, garnetswings03, selphiesintro01, yunasdance06, bomb07,
Mastered lightning: mogamano07, viipromo08, xiiiodin08,

Front: aerithrests04 terra03
Puzzlecard: squall01 gil
Traded yuffieac02 for meilanu's seymour05
Fran: viiintro01
NCNS: squallfalls10 viiisiren04 vincentac03
Summon: squallfalls07
Cardguess: aerithrests08
Quote: monochrome09
Slots: serah05 aerithfalls04 lenne05 + all
Puzzle: aerithprays01 gil squall10
Memory2: +3 Water and +2 Thunder balthier01 vanille06 vanille01
Memory1: +2 Ice garnetspast07 serah02

Traded lenne07, viiishiva06 for libebymysmile's seymour08, chaos02
Front: nightmare06 garnetswings08 viiisiren07 aerithprays05
Fran: chaos06
Puzzle: serah04 aerithm09 gil
MemoryH: cosmos10 yuffieac05 yuffieac02 +3 Earth and +2 Ice
MemoryE: +2 Fire lulu05 lulu08
Slots: vincentac09 monochrome10 chocoboart04 +1 to all attributes
NCNS: aerithprays09 aerithfalls07 shesaidyes08
Summon: lenne10
Cardguess: monochrome03
Quote: vincentdoc06
Draw: aerithprays02 +2 Earth

Front: lightning01
Slots: mooglexii10 nomuravii04 lenne07 +all atributes
Magic: serah10 +2 Fire
Guess: seymour07 (ugh second time i pass a lightning i have)
Quotes: nomuraviii04
Attack: nomuraviii05
NSNL: +3 Earth cosmos08
Puzzle: gil gloryofyevon05 otherworld01
Match: +3 Earth and +2 Shadow metropolis04 vincentac04 viiidiablos02
Match: viiisiren02 lenne04 +2 Water
Level Up: lightning02, thedancei06, chocovii08, shelke10, shesaidyes01, garnetswings05,
firstmasters: seymour01 serah05 choco01 otherworld10

Traded xiiiodin02 for Jamie's Shiva03 (thanks I mastered!)
Front: anewlegend10 nomuravii02
Slots: monochrome02 edea06/10 +atributes
Puzzle: monochrome06 5gil metropolis06
Memory: +3 Thunder and +2 Water chocovii09 viiiintroi03 viiiintroi08
Memory: +2 Thunder viiishiva06 vincentdoc10
CS: +3 Fire balthier07
Summon: mooglexii08
Card: cosmos05
Cid: fran01
Mastered shiva: choco10, vincentdoc07, holy09, fran0
Mastered fran: seymour03, vanille07, squall03, balthier10

Traded thedance105 for lumati's Serah04
Fran: balthier08 orz since he was in RW and i cant find RW Cards

Frontpost: terraamano04
Traded lulu09 for mysty's Balthier05
Traded garnetswings09, monochrom08, rinoa04 for Colleen fran06, chaos09, mooglexii03
Front: viiidiablos10 xiiiodin02 serah07 monochrome08
Survey: vanille05
Quotes: terraamano08
Magic: hope02 +2earth
Attack: chaos04
Puzzle: Gill seymour03 nightmare05
Slots: amanoafteryears01 mooglexii08 bahamut05 +1 atributes
Memory: +3 Earth and +2 Wind amanoafteryears02 amanoafteryears06 edea02
Memory: +2 Ice viiishiva09 yunax202
NSNL: +3 Fire viiisiren10

Frontpost: amanoafteryears06 hope08
Multi: choco01
draw: garnetswings10 +2 Ice
quote: edea08
Slots: +atributes edea03 shelke05 chaos08
puzzle: seymour06 gil yunasintro03
Memory: +3 Ice and +2 Earth lulu05 bahamut08 vincentac06
memory: +2 Holy vincentac10
Cloud: +4 Water fran02
Summon: shiva07
Fran: amanoafteryears07

Traded hopeflirts07/09 for coffeepink's lightning03 fran05
Traded saymour07 for jamie;s cosmos06
Traded viiintro08 for cate's shiva06
Frontpost: balthier06 baralai06 bomb06
Summon: vincentac08
quotes: chocoxiii04
magic: lulu09 +2 Fire
CS: hope08 choco10 vincentdoc07
Memory: metropolis08 renoac09
Memory: +3 Water and +2 Water  thedancei05 xiiibahamut04 cloudac03
puzzle: gil mooglexii06/08
slots: chaos10 renoac08 squall02 + all
Fran: viiishiva03

frontpost: zackcc06 renoac04
Fran: fran04
Quotes: balthier02
Slots: +1 to all attributes lightning05 shelke07 balthier09
Guess: chaos07
Magic: +2 Fire shelke10
Mmeory: lightning07 +2 Water yuffieac04
CS: +3 Ice gippal10
MemoryHard: +3 Shadow and +2 Earth  lightning08 seymour04 seymour10
Puzzle: Gil seymour09


Traded squall08 for Lumati's Fran03
Front post: Riona04

Puzzle: fran09 nightmare10 + guli

Traded cosmos01 for lumati's fran10
Front post: squall08

Frontpost: seymore07
Memory2: summonerborn01 cosmos07 vanille02 +3 Wind and +2 Thunder
Memory1: lightning07 summonerborn10 +2 Shadow
Squal/Cloud: +3 Shadow, +2 Ice, -1 Fire  fangstorture06
Fran: shiva01

Traded garnetswings05 for Jamie's Shiva08

Draw???: +2 Earth  hopeflirts09
Frontpost: hopeflirts07
Frontpost: fran08
quotes: shiva05

Traded Fang08 for cosmos09
Traded yunasdance10 for Sachi's shiva09
Starter Pack: lightning06, lightning04, shiva04, yunasdance10, shiva02, viiiintroi08, garnetswings05, garnetswings09, gloryofyevon08, fang08,
Franfreebies: tonberry07
Slots: +1 all atributes shiva10 chaos05 xiiibattle04
puzzle: hard as hell cause of the blank pieces
Memory Hard: +3 Shadow and +2 Holy lightning05 garnetspast04 yunasdance04
No Cloud Nor Squall: +4 Earth garnetspast05
Memory Easy: cosmos01 cosmos04 +2 Holy
Quitis: Gil (idk if it will count)
Traded Yunasdance04 for Lightning04
Frontpage: Cosmos01
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