Special Place TCG Log

Feb 12, 2011 12:17

- - - 2011/04/18 - - -
game15: SGB SGB Member
Chest: god04a SGB
Puzzle: figure04b toilet03
Surey: beloved04c pda02 god04c
Donation: trainee04b style01 spyhole09 sniffer05 old01 pda06 resort01 slurper04b mafuyu03 lips06 james03 incu04b henry04c henry04b heather07 haunted03 god04a figure04c drk02

- - - 2011/04/16 - - -
Front: ada02 leon06 leon04a
Donation: eddie02 iwasweak02 maria03 sakuya05 2SGB
Level up 3 to 5: REG REG SPEC SPEC
Master (Douglas): cheryl07, itsyou01 1 sgb
Halloween (yes im late on this): travis07 awish03 daddy02 cybil04b harry04b james05 iwasweak01 jasper05 lips06 notagain07 resort01 spyhole01
Puzzle: victims08 officer06
Chest: SGB memory03
Cardguess: cancer04a SGB
Jigsaw: mio02 REG HGB
Slots: gloves07 bloody01
Memory: pony03
REG: henry01/02/03 imreal01/03 lisa02/03
SPEC: Cover01/02/03/04/06/10
Survival: book11 cover05 pony02 chibi03 book09

- - - 2011/03/25 - - -
Front: alyssa04a miku05 mio04a mafuyu03 utsuki04a fiona05 azoth07 1000cards02
sogare: SGB SGB special
Chest: fiona04b SGB
puzzle: torque04a central01

- - - 2011/02/12 - - -
Game15: SGB SGB Regular
Music: I know it.. I just gave up finding it orz I know I have it on my playlist though lol somewhere..
Character: lisa04c stairway08 HGB
Puzzle: dahlia06 imreal02
Hole: sweet07 SGB
Card: cheryl06 SGB
Location: angela06 peephole01 special
Jigg: daddy06 Member SGB
Memory: opening07
Robbie: robbie01 house05 SBG
Slots: angela01 imreal04
PuzzleH: model02 items109 survival07 regular SGB
Angela: lisa07

- - - 2011/01/29 - - -
Front: saints07 double07 double01 god04a god07 gloves01 gloves07 memory03
Sogare: 2hgb regularchoice
Guessmusic: lisa04b lookslike04 survival08
Guesswho: alessa01 lookslike06 HGB
Puzzle: alessa02 awish01
Hole: raw05 SGB
PuzzleX: gloves04b firstshot08 chibi05 Regular SGB
Sojire: raw02 Special SGB
Guessplace: riddle201 double01 member
GuessCard: slurper05 SGB
Angela: daddy05 ufo109 SGB

- - - 2010/10/16 - - -
game15: sgb sgb special
puzzle: eclipse06 travis04c
Memory: book11

- - - 2010/10/07 - - -
Traded style01 for Nyassu's douglas04c
Traded ufo05/08 nightmare06 notagain01 force03 for Nyaasu's Membercard n douglas02/04a claudia06 trainee04a movie07
Donation: cynthia07 beloved04a 1sgb
Master: 1sgb
Levled up: I got a reg + special coupon
Reg/Spec: douglas06 (mastered) survival02
Traded henry05 survival09 trainie01 blood06 for cheryl04b comic07 vincent03 daddy01
Traded in my two special cards for movie09/12 (mastered)
Puzzle challenge: robbie05 survival05 reg SGB iwasweak06
turned in reg coupon for douglas04b

- - - 2010/10/03 - - -
frontpost: lisag04a lisag05 mom04a mom02 sweet07 sweet03 raw04b
sogare: special hgb sgb
puzzle: pda05 model02
hole: nurse02 sgb
guesswho: travis07 style01 HGB
Guesscard: james04b SGB
sojire: vincent02 special HGB
somere: title08
Traded in movie02 for survival03
Laura: SGB eddie05 bloody06
Fireingrange: survival09 for 12 bullets (No more bullets)

- - - 2010/09/27 - - -
Traded incu07 for Raiyei douglas07

- - - 2010/09/20 - - -
Puzzle15: SGB HGB Membercard
Song: mary05 spyhole01 opening03
Who: trainee05 iwasweak06 HGB
Puzzle: henry05 toilet06
Hole: travis04c SGB
Card: laura06 SGB
Place: travis03 member items108
Jigsaw: beloved07 special SGB
memory: comic11
Traded in Mary05 for claudia03
Frotnpost: riddle209 riddle207 itsyou07 itsyou05
Turned in Special for movie10
Shot movie06/11/alex03 for 10 SGB (20) and 10 HGB(10)
Traded Vincent04a for Nachtorse's Henry04c and membercards

- - - 2010/09/07 - - -
shot 9 rounds of bullets (4 SGB, 1 HGB) for trainee03 youseeit01 and elevator08
sogare: member sgb hgb
song: lisa06 iwasweak09 title09
guesswho: awish02 claudia04b hgb
hole: vincent04a hgb
Puzzle: travis05 eclipse01
Hade claudia04b already, same for lisa06. traded them in for henry04a and notagain01

- - - 2010/09/02 - - -
Puzzle: claudia04c ufo108 cover08 regular SGB
turned in regular lisa04a

- - - 2010/08/30 - - -
Jigsaw: alex04 reg SGB
memory: movie02
slots: boobs05 items108
trade: traded piggyback03 for boobs06 and lisa06
Guesscard: douglas03 SGB
levelup: a reg and spec coupon
exchanged reg for real08
exchanged spec for movie04
Traded iwasweak04 and chibi05 for nachtrose's cybil04ac, lisa04b, lisa04c
also late to update, but from last cards: harry04a and eclipse02

- - - 2010/08/26 - - -
Refeeral: Took two Reg Coupons
For master cards: 5SGB youseeit09, closer02 alessa07 eclipse05 imreal06 james07 robbie04b trainee07 video07 victims02
Im inpatient.. Used the two regular cards for boobs02/03

- - - 2010/08/25 - - -
from lost member, took nightmare06 and cybil06
From update, took Video05, victims09, and youseeit09
Traded in photos03 for claudia04b
Guesswho: nurse05 hgb photo08

- - - 2010/08/23 - - -
MasterCards: For making mastercards, I got 1SGB,
Shot 6 times at Bloody06, wasting 3SGB
game15: regular 1SGB 1HGB
Song: Imreal07, angela06, piggyback03
Hole: cheryl02 1SGB
Puzzle: iwasweak04, closer04a
Shot 6 times at imreal05 with another 3SGB
Used my regular card for henry06

- - - 2010/08/11 - - -
place: maria04a spyhole05 regular
Guesscard: SGB travis01
memory: force03
slots: dahlia03 peephole02 cover09
jigsaw: special handgunbullets
traded both regular n special cards for movieposter02 and boobs04a

- - - 2010/08/11 - - -
From level up, I received Reg and Spec coupons
Used both coupons for Angela01 and movie01
Moved Angela to my Mastered Deck page.
FINALLY Guessed who: Trainie01 toilet08 HGB
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