Dec 28, 2019 19:25
I have literally spent the better part of 2 hours trying to fix my freaking livejournal layout. Apparently livejournal is quickly becoming obsolete, with layout sites becoming inactive after about 2012. Even for those who are still active, livejournal has removed "flexible squares" as one of the set livejournal themes, which most layout makers seemed to enjoy using the most. Right now I am using a style called "minimalism" from the livejournal fruitstyles. She is not making layouts anymore but was kind enough to leave all of the ones she has finished up. Even now I can't tell how it actually looks on a computer because I am using my tablet. Hopefully it looks okay...To me the header looks weird so I might just move it (despite struggling with finding an image hosting site for the last 45 minutes).
I wonder if this is how our parents feel. Didn't technology used to be easier to use and more intuitive? I understand there are concerns about intellectual property being stolen but it is a bit ridiculous how hard it is to find a simple img url without needing to upload it themselves. For the sake of legality, my header image is from a post on tumblr, I take no credit for creating it.
Okay well anyway! I finally typed up the first couple chapters of my --story/book. Book fels heavy to say. But yeah. That is really why I spent so long fixing up my livejournal. Part of me wondered if I should just surrender and move to some other blog site like wordpress or something. Yet I have a very sentimental attachment to my livejournal so I was stubborn about it. Please do let me know if you guys have any suggestions for my layout!