Name: Nhu-An (No wisecracks, please.)
Nickname: Annie
Age: 14
Birthdate: March 20th
Height: 5'3''
Likes: Music (preferably rock, metal, etc.), Weirdness, randomness, paranormal stuffz, root beer, slushies, headbanging, concerts, friends!, scaring people, freedom, deh bass guitar, reading lyrics.
Dislikes: Family, religion, annoying preps, annoying people in general, pedophile history teachers (or pedophile teachers in general), wannabe gangstas, cheese (excluding mac & cheese. Because the mac is awesome.), copycats.
Strong Points: Intelligence, Randomness, lacrosse, weirdness.
Weak Points: I complain and argue a lot. A little mentally disturbed.<3 Sorta lacking in common sense at times. Impatient and full of insanity.
Pet Peeves: When people honk or yell at me when I walk around town or something. And unnecessary grunting and name-stating in stupid rap songs.
Hobbies: Lacrosse, playing bass, laughing, watching TV or surfing the webbeh, Hangin with my homies, arguing with my mom.
Talents: I'm double-jointed at my fingers xD It totally freaks out my friends when I crack them and make funny sounds with them.
Favorite Color: Black. Sue me.
Favorite Food: Sushi.
Favorite Sport: Lacrosse
Mature or Immature?: Immature, but mature when needed.
Leader or Follower?: I don't care. But, I would probably lead people to their deaths if I was their leader, and I hate the game "Follow the Leader." Pick-up sticks are okay, though.
Favorite Character [Any reason why?]: Gir 'cause he's just plain flippin' awesome. :D
Would you like to be stamped as a character of your same gender, or do you have no preference?: I wouldn't really give a flying fart in space. ...heh heh...
Do you believe in anything paranormal (ESP, extraterrestrial life, ghosts, etc)?: Chigga-chigga yeahz. I might wanna be a paranormal investigator when I grow up. That, or a veterinarian. I like fluffy things.
Anything else?: Porn on the cob.<3 favorite band is Dir en grey. Let's see...Oh, I hope you flatulent spoons wear suicidal belly-buttons rings and stud your bras with pointy objects and nails.
And just for fun, who do you think you'll get?: I have no freakin' idea. I mean, c'mon, have you ever met anyone like me?...don't answer that.
Suggestions for more questions?: Why did the chicken cross the road? :D
And please post a picture of yourself behind an LJ-cut or a description if you prefer.
More recent picture. Sorry, but I was getting furious at that other one. You don't like to see me when I'm furious.
...I'm also part squirrel.