Spleen! *foams at mouth*

Feb 18, 2007 19:43

Name: Lauren
Nickname: Takato/Tak
Age: 21
Birthdate: 14/11/1985
Height: 5"8'
Likes: Reading, drawing, writing, mythology, history, cultures, anime and manga, Japanese/classical/instrumental music, Chinese pop culture, the paranormal.
Dislikes: MARY SUES! Close-minded, mean and homophobic people, crowded places, lables, BRATz *shivers*, stereotypes, fashion.
Strong Points: I'm lovable, friendly and creative. I'll always fight for and probably die for my nakama (friends); I love them so much, especially since they're so forgiving for all the shit I do. I have a wild imagination sometimes, and I also care very much for everyone around me.
Weak Points: I can get easily flustered and cry a lot, especially if I'm having a panic attack. I'm gullible almost to the extent of being pitiful. I can't handle money very well. I also have this problem of sending people through guilt trips without meaning to.
Pet Peeves: Same as my dislikes.

Hobbies: Same as my likes.
Talents: Writing, drawing.
Favorite Color: Purple, black, dark red.
Favorite Food: Chicken.
Favorite Sport: None.
Mature or Immature?: Depends on the situation, but immature sometimes.
Leader or Follower?: Follower. I couldn't lead anyone to save my life.

Favorite Character [Any reason why?]: Zim. He's just so nutty. Who couldn't love him?

Would you like to be stamped as a character of your same gender, or do you have no preference?: Either or. I don't really mind.

Do you believe in anything paranormal (ESP, extraterrestrial life, ghosts, etc)?: I can feel ghosts, sometimes even see their outlines if it's really dark and there's no sound. I'm also werewolf somewhere in my bloodline.

Anything else?: If you think it'll help you decide, take a look at my LJ. Feel free to Friend me too.

And just for fun, who do you think you'll get?: I'm not going to be surprised if I get Dib. I'm not sure why.

Suggestions for more questions?: Nope.

And please post a picture of yourself behind an LJ-cut or a description if you prefer.
http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a228/Takato_Metallium/p1010052um9.jpg (Death Note cosplay)


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