Sep 24, 2008 18:14
3 days without a post.. Not so much, but, you know you want to hear from me again.
Firstly, i was just on Billy Beckett's blog, and he is apparently a Chuck Palahnuik nerd! =) And also, Choke is coming out tomorrow?? Apparently I have, as William suggests, been living under a cement block.
Amongst other news, today University of British Columbia came to my school, (well.. not the entire university.. *headdesk* why would I even think to have to clarify that.. ) but I had to do a chemistry practical. =( I got a glossy brochure though, and it seems really nice. And the guy handing out the brochures was hot.. *is superficial* Does anyone have any info about the uni that isn't along the lines of "in an ambient atmosphere its students bask in how wonderful.." etc.?
I should be doing the write up to the last chem prac we did.. and working on my english presentation. So much work! =( I got home yesterday, bummed around for an hour, ate dinner and then for the next FOUR HOURS did homework, and then from 7.30 this morning till 9.30 tried to get it finished. This is too much, methinks. =( Oh well. I'd best suck it up I suppose.
Also, RIP Fresh Only Bakery.. And please ryro, update that blog that you have written in once since its creation and the VMAs?
william beckett,