Sep 21, 2004 16:38
Hey ya'll!! guess wat?!?!? I met Carly Patterson!!!!! it wuz awesum! yea b4 dat me n myers whurr talkin 2 Brandon cuz he wuz the only guy thurr @ the time..we talked bout how it wuz weird dat all thurr whurr no mo guyz thurr and he's lyk i no and "she's so damn hott!" Myers wuz lyk "Brandon i coulda lived wit out noin dat!" it wuz so funny..then Taylor came and he said he wuz gonna ask her how she felt wen she hit the bar durin the team competition and how she kept goin...he actually did and he wuz up thurr fo awhile..he said dat she said it kinda hurt and stuff, dunno wat exactly though..then big group pic and stuff..SO MUCH FUN! well l8er ya'll!
~*Iz_GymNAsTIcAl*/ QuIcKiE*~