Rant Entry

Jul 05, 2009 23:06

I wish I wasn't so introverted, I might then welcome other people into my life and KEEP them there. It's obviously because I'm quiet, or when I'm not, I say the wrong thing. Either way, people eventually end up forgetting about me. I suppose because that process is engraved in my script, I don't tend to stick with others for too long, maybe or maybe not I'm subconsciously certain I'll be forgotten about. I know it's my fault; I can only be an exciting person when I have the energy for it. My activity is directed towards work done alone, and I've always been that way. Again, I wish I wasn't so introverted. Then maybe I could be more assertive and direct others attention more towards me, or maybe if I just knew what to say most of them, I would say it and make an impression. I have a feeling many don't have an impression on me.

On a different note, I hate those fuckers who think that because I don't say much, I'm a weak person, and they assume they can do and say all the fuck they want to me. They don't know who they are.

Finally, I don't know if my creative streak is gone, or I'm just fucking pissed to no end that my brother took a knife to my video game disc. Whenever I get into this mood, I feel I have literally no self-worth. Okay, this is turning into a srsly personal journal.

You know, I think I might be used to feeling like the stupid one even if I'm not stupid-stupid. So that when I see someone less quick-witted than I, I hate them. It's all her fault, but at least I've been desensitized.

I do like assuming different personalities, though. Aaand it propels me into mindlessness. As has this. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm an idiot. It's true, I'm just an idiot.
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